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Y/N's Pov:

It has been two years since our marriage, and we were very happy. Work was great and we used to spend as much time together as possible. Katsuki and I had been trying for a baby for the past few months but are failing. Today I am going to take another three pregnancy tests for confirmation.

Katsuki is on duty today and I really hope it's positive so I can surprise him. I took the pregnancy box to the bathroom and did what I had to do and placed the sticks on the counter.

After some time, I took them to the bedroom without checking the result and sat on the bed nervously. My phone started to vibrate as I placed the tests aside and picked up my phone, to see that Zuku was calling me.

"Hey Zuku!"

"Y/Nie!! How are you?"

"I am fine, what are you doing?"

"Patrolling with Kacchan"

"Oh Katsuki's there too?"

"yeah but right now he is looking at a store and has been staring at the mannequin for 15 minutes."

"What? Which store?"

"Toys4Us, he is staring at a stroller. Y/n are you pregnant?"

"No... but we have been trying for a few months now but are failing everytime," I said as I felt sad for Katsuki.

"Okay... You take care Y/N. I'll handle Kacchan. Everything will be alright," Zuku said

"Thank you Zuku. Bye," I said and hung up.

Oh my god, the test! I thought as I put my phone aside and pick up one of the tests in my hand and closed my eyes. I took a deep breath in and exhaled and counted to three and opened my eyes to see that...Positive! A gasp escaped my lips as I took the other two to see that those were also saying Positive. 

OH MY GOD! YESS! THANK YOU, GOD! I heard the front door opening. I immediately put on my sad face and went out hiding the test behind my back.

"Hi Katsuki," I said as he held my waist and kissed my forehead.

"Hey babe, did you eat yet?" He asked removing his gauntlets

"No... but I need to tell you something. I took another test today," I said in a low voice as he turned his face becoming serious but I could see he was nervous.

"You did? What is the result? Is it negative... It's okay if it is negative," he said cupping my face.

I smiled as I couldn't fake the sadness anymore, his look turning into a confused expression.

"What? Why are you smiling?" He said a small nervous smile forming on his lips

"The result is positive," I said as his eyes widened and lips parted

"Wait, so d-does that me-mean you're..." He stammered as I smiled widely and nodded. A huge grin spread on his face as he lifted me up and spun me around

"Yah, put me down Katsuki Bakugo!" I yelled as he put me down carefully and hugged me tightly. I smiled and hugged him back

"Thank you Y/N," He said pulling away smiling.

"So you wanna surprise, Dad, Mom and Pops?" I asked as he smirked

"You got a plan?" He asked

"Do I have a plan?" She said," You just wait and watch."

~Time Skip to after 2 days~

Thankfully, it was Father's day today and they both had invited their families. Mitsuki, Masaru, Aizawa, and Hizashi were sitting in the living room as Katsuki cooked the food and Y/N set the table.

"So when are we gonna tell them?" Katsuki asked Y/N in a whispered tone.

"I was thinking of doing it now," Y/N said

"Good, I am also done here so go and bring the goods while I finish up here."

"Okayyy" Y/N said and ran up the stairs.

"YAH, Y/N DON'T RUN!" Katsuki yelled in worry

"STOP SHOUTING YOU BRAT!" Mitsuki yelled from the living room

"SHUT IT HAG!" He yelled as Y/N came back down with three bags and a pouch

"All my loving fathers, we both got you a gift," She said giving the three bags to them and handed the pouch to Mistuki," You too Ma."

"You didn't have to kitten," Aizawa said looking at the bag 

"Come on open it!" Katsuki said smiling. The three of them opened their bags that contained a t-shirt with the print that said,' Best Grandpa' and Mitsuki opened the pouch that contained Y/N's pregnancy test. Tears welled up in her eyes as she stood and stared at a smiling Y/n and Katsuki.

"IS this true? Cause' if you are messing with us, I swear to god, I will kill you!" Mitsuki said as the fathers just stared at their gift in shock.

"It's true Mom, I am pregnant. You all are going to be grandparents," Y/N said as she hugged Mitsuki.

"HAPPY FATHERS DAY!" Katsuki said

"YOU TOO KATSUKI!" Y/N said as he hugged her and kissed her on the forehead.

"Thank you Y/N," Aizawa said crying

"Oh Dad, you don't have to thank me," She said crying and hugging her fathers

"Best gift ever," Masaru said as the others nodded.

"I'll plan the gender reveal party," Mitsuki said

"Thank you, old hag," Katsuki said hugging her.

"Thank you brat," She said laughing and hugging him back.

Y/N looked at all the happy faces, smiling and thanking God for giving such a wonderful family and friends. She looked at her stomach and thought,' Can't wait to hold you in my arms and love you with all my heart.'

And that's it for this chapter! Two more chapters and then an epilogue. Hope you guys have enjoyed this book. Thank you for all the love and support. Please check out my other two books too, and I am gonna write another one which is about BTS one-shots. See you guys in the next chapter! Peace out! ✌✌

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