~The Pussycats!~

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I had woken up early with excitement, it was the day of the training camp. I had packed all the necessary stuff including some casual clothes and even my swimsuit and rushed down to see my Dad waiting for me. 

"Let's go!" I said as we got into the car and started playing songs and I started jamming and singing. Suddenly In My feelings started playing, and we both looked at each other.

"This song again, Dad. I keep hearing it on Instagram. I am tired of this song, though there is one thing," I said as the main chorus started and I started singing and dancing.

"Kiki, do you love me? Are you riding? Say you never ever leave from beside me cause I want you and I need you- LET'S GO, LET'S GO, LET'S GO! KB, do you love me? Are you riding? Say you'll never ever leave from beside me. 'Cause I want ya, and I need ya. Oh, wait this is the best part!" I said and started rocking my head to the beat, fully forgetting my surroundings, when suddenly Dad stopped the car and the music.

"What's happening to you?" He laughed as I sat straight looking at him in disbelief, as he started driving again.

"Doing the Shiggy challenge"                                                                                                                           

"What do you mean" 

"Don't you know the Shiggy challenge?"


 "The kiki song? Kiki, do you love me~" 


"Come on, dad. I know you know it!"

 "I don't know"  "You know it!"  "I don't know" "You know it!" "I don't know" 

"Play it!" "Alright I know it," He said stopping the car again as we had reached the school. He started playing the song and danced with me.

We got out of the car and took our stuff, still singing the song as we walked towards the bus and my classmates, as Dad sang one last line.

"Emi, do you love me? Are you riding?" He stopped when I stopped looking at him with an amused face, our classmates now watching us from far.

"What?" He asked laughing a bit as I walked beside him.

"That's your ex-girlfriend!" I said and we both started laughing hard as we reached the bus.

"That was fun and refreshing Kiddo!" He said ruffling my hair.

"I recorded it!" I said running off to my friends.

"Don't you dare show it to them!" He said as I laughed and got on the bus.

(This is what happened! Damn I love these two!!)


I was sitting with Katsuki who was continuously asking me about my morning scene with Dad.
"Fine, but keep it between us for now," I said handing him my phone with my earphones. He was trying his best not to laugh but after watching the end, he laughed so loudly that the whole class was shocked.
"DID HE JUST-" Katsuki started shouting at them to shut up. I took my phone back before Katsu could accidentally blast me, and plugged in my earphones listening to Meghan Trainor. All about the bass started playing and I started humming with my feet moving on their own tapping the beats. Suddenly my left earbud was snatched and I looked at Katsuki who had plugged it into his ear, nodding his head to the beats. We kept listening to her songs, slowly humming as we reached a stop. 

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