~Valentines Special Part 1~

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So I know Valentine's Day is over but I wanted to write this one, plus thank you guys for 7.1K reads. I was a bit busy so couldn't write this chapter before the 14th. This is not a part of the storyline, so this actually never happened. It's a High School AU special so no quirks. Enjoy~~

Y/N's Pov:

Hi, my name is Y/N Aizawa and I go to Aldera High. Today is Valentine's Day and right now I am sitting with my best friend and long-time crush Katsuki Bakugo waiting for the bell to ring so that we can eat our lunch.  Suddenly the bell rang, and it was lunchtime.

"Finally!" Katsuki said putting his stuff in his bag and turning to me," Hey wanna get some lunch?"

"We have our lunches with us, dummy," I said standing up as we both walked out of class.

"Right we have our lunches in our locker, let's go get it." He said as we walked down the hallway. It was a silent walk until he broke the silence.

"So, today is Valentine's Day. Got anybody to spend with?" He asked, but before I could answer he said," Sorry, that's a dumb question... I know you're never gonna get a boyfriend. What I meant to say was do you have anybody you wish to spend this day with?" I frowned at him.

"I can get a boyfriend if I want to," I said hitting his head.

"You didn't answer my question dumbass... You gotta crush you wanna spend the day with?" 

As soon as he asked that I felt my face heating up and my face going red and I looked away from him.

"Oh ho ho, getting flustered I see... Now I know something's up. Spill the beans. Who is it?" he asked. I remained silent declining to speak and spill.

"Well, if you don't wanna say, then I am not gonna force you, but then you also don't get to know who I like. Come on aren't you a little bit curious?" He said gaining my attention as I looked at him with wide eyes.

"You like someone?" I asked and he nodded. I decided to pull his leg so I asked him this...

"Is it me?" I asked smirking slyly wriggling my eyebrows.

"W-what? No, it's not you. Jesus, just because I am on speaking terms with you and hang out with you doesn't mean I like you." He said as we reached my locker.

"Anyway, we are at your locker now. Get your food and let's go," He said looking away as I laughed and opened the locker door. As soon as I did that a letter fell down from my locker.

"Huh?" I said picking it up. "What is it?" Katsuki asked looking at me. I help up the letter in my hand.

"You got a letter? What does it say?" He asked as I opened the letter. It was a love letter.

"It's a love confession," I said. 

"Well, it's Valentine's Day. Let me see what it says," He said snatching it from hand.

"Hey!" I yelled as he started reading the letter out loud.

"Dear Y/N, I really like you but I am too embarrassed to say it to you. I am sorry" He read with a frown on his face," Huh, they didn't even write their fucking name. What a coward! But hey, you got a love confession. Who would have thought?" He said laughing. I snatched the paper and showed him the finger before keeping the letter back in and taking my lunch. We both walked to his locker.

"You always go on and on about how no one ever liked you, and well I agreed with you but looks like we are both wrong. So the moment of truth...who do you think likes you?" Oh, he is so annoying. You are on pal.

"Well, I think this letter is from you," I said smirking as we reached his locker.

"What you think I wrote this? Please... you must be awfully full of yourself to think that you are my, the great Katsuki Bakugo's crush. Anyway let's just go and eat our lunch already," he said opening his locker when a letter and a box of chocolate fell from his locker.

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