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I know it's a bit late, but I am going through some shit right now, so I was having writer's block, but now I am back. I am not gonna write the whole war scene just what's important and highlights our character. All right let's get it!

Y/n's POV:

After 4 days from the meeting, we all received a text saying that Eri's location has been found and we are raiding the place the next day early morning. Well, right now Deku, myself, and Dad are running towards where Mirio and Sir Nighteye are fighting Chisaki and trying to save Eri. We had been ambushed by a lot of villains and had asked the two to go on ahead as we handled the villains.

'I hope that Kiri is okay,' Scar said as we ran following Mirio senpai's scent.

'He'll be fine Scar. He's strong,' I said when we suddenly heard Senpai screaming Chisaki's name from the left and we turned but were met by a wall.

"I'll handle this, Y/N help me out, Eraserhead make sure Eri is safe," Deku said as we jumped and broke the wall only to see a horrific sight in front of us.

"I'll definitely save her!" We both said as Chisaki looked at us with pure hatred. He bent down to touch the floor but nothing happened.

"I erased it," Dad said," Nighteye, secure those who need treatment!"

" Mirio!" Uncle said and ran towards him, who was bleeding a lot.

"Eri is.. behind... me...," He said as Uncle picked up Eri and hugged Mirio.

"It's fine now...You were amazing. You were amazing, Mirio."

"My Quirk was erased!" Chisaki yelled in frustration.

"Serves you right, you bastard!" I yelled in my werewolf form. Zuku helped Uncle carry Mirio and Eri out of this hole while Chisaki yelled in frustration.

"Lemillion already had him backed him up in a corner, it's up to us to finish this!" Dad yelled as Zuku came back and stood beside me.

"Yes Sir!" We both yelled as Chisaki glared at us.

"TIME TO WAKE UP CHRONO!" Chisaki yelled and long pointed arms rushed to us.

"Watch out!" dad yelled pushing us aside as he got hit in the leg.

"The ones impaled by long arms find their movements getting slower. I meant to skewer all the three of you but that's heroes for ya, the villain named Chrono had told me. Took him long enough to wake up," Chisaki said.

Dad just saved us and was hit instead, and was now groaning on the ground.

"No... I can't stop myself from blinking," He said struggling to keep his eyes open.

"We got you!" I yelled as Zuku and I charged at Chisaki, Scar taking over startling Chisaki, but...

Overhaul's Pov:

Everything. Grrr. All I've done is for NOTHING! 

"As if I would let my plans be ruined by people like you who are sick in the head. Nemoto, you want me to succeed, so you won't mind giving up your life for me right?" I asked as I killed him and rearranged myself," I'll be a good sport and acknowledge you are stronger than me Lemillion. I respect your perseverance but in the end I'll be the victor! Now you heroes I'll have you give Eri back to me!" I yelled at the two charging at me in my new form.

Y/N's POV:

We stopped as we both looked at the situation around us. We just witnessed Chisaki destroying himself and his colleague and merging into one. Nighteye is by the hole protecting Eri and Senpai, dad is nowhere to be seen along with Chrono, and Chisaki is all healed. 

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