Chapter 14: Talking.

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He didn't care how she got there, all that mattered was her being there. Holding him.

Peter cried relentlessly as MJ soothed him, whispering comforting words and rubbing his back, cradling him gently against her. He had never seen her quite so gentle with anyone, they had certainly grown closer but she was still tough and rough on the edges. That just made him feel worse, the fact that she was acting nice showed that he definitley wasn't okay.

He pulled back, still with hot tears streaming down his face and running down his neck and looked at her.

"" He struggled to find the words as MJ smiled sadly at him.

The pity and sadness in her eyes, the small smile that graced her features, why? Why, was the question he kept asking himself, why did anyone even bother to care? It was his fault everything was so messed up, his fault that Tony was gone, his fault MJ was sad, it was all his fault.


He looked up, realising he had zooned out. She was looking at him with worry, hand half-raised in the air as if to reach out.

Peter looked at her hopelessly and she turned to sit on his bed, patting the space next to her. The boy walked over and sat down, fiddling with the end of his shirt while avoiding her gaze.

"Talk to me looser."

The familarity of that phrase brought a sense of comfort to Peter, this was MJ he was talking to, she knew him well enough to understand when he clearly wasn't alright. But where did he start?


He swallowed the lump in his throat.

"A m-mission, a-and...h-he, D-d-dad he-"

He brought a hand up to muffle his sobs shaking his head, he couldn't say it, it was too much. It was accepting the fate and he couldn't.

Thankfully MJ understand what he was trying to say and she let out a gasp, eyes tearing up slightly. Peter knew she never really liked the man, she had stated it before many times, but the shock her made everything all to real. He was gone. Tony was gone.

She pulled him into another hug as he started to sob again, breaking down at the simplest of comfort. He cried ugly and harsh, letting everything, all his emotions and feelings out at once. This time MJ had a few tears running down her face too, the pain Peter was so clearly in broke her heart, she knew how much he had been through and could see how emotionally exhausted he was.

At this point Peter didn't even know what was happening, he was lethargic and the gentle hand in his hair was the only thing grounding his thoughts. He couldn't handle the grief and guilt and despair. Everything was just so much. Nothing was happy anymore, just pain.

"C-can't do-..d-do t-this anymore.." He cried, his whole body shaking.

The comfort was pulled from him and he found himself staring into MJ's sad eyes.

"You can." She whispered, cupping his face and wiping away his tears with her thumbs.

Peter shook his head, his hazel eyes not reaching hers. "N-no."

She nodded again and cupped his cheek with one of her hands, bringing it down to rest his forehead against hers.

Peter opened his teary eyes and a slight blush decorated his cheeks.

"You can, you have Ned, me, all your other family."

A tear fell from her eye and even more fell from Peter's, now MJ was upset...could he do anything right without making people sad?


"No, don't apologise Parker." She said firmly, looking into his eyes to make sure he understood.

"O-okay." He sniffed again and she pulled him in for another quick hug.

"Now, tell me everything."


Steve had been nervously waiting, like the rest of them to see how Peter talking to MJ would work. Bucky had suggested it and the man thought that it was worth a shot, prehaps having the boy talk to a friend might make him feel better.

He knew that Peter would be feeling crushed, he had lost many people before but he had no idea how to help him. He wouldn't talk, he couldn't sleep, he would barely eat thing which was particualry bad with his metabalism, and wouldn't talk about anything.

This was somewhat of a final shot, just to see if there was anything to do before things got too complicated.

"Don't worry man, it'll be fine."

Sam had reminded him multiple times already that he needed to stop stressing but how could he not? Now that that Tony was gone, he needed to look after Peter. He could never replace the man but he could atleast be there for the kid.

Rhodey sat opposite the man, his eyes glazed over as they sat in silence. Steve could imagine the pain he felt, he remembered when he thought he lost Bucky and the nightmares, pain and guilt he felt constantly.

"You alright?" He asked.

"Hm?" Rhodey looked up at him as if only just realising his presence.

"I said are you alright?"

"Fine, you?"


The conversation seemed to end there and Steve sighed, rubbing a hand over his eyes. He hadn't gotten much sleep for the past few days and clearly it was beginning to affect him.

"I'm going to check on Peter." He sighed, standing up and stretching before making his way over to the boys bedroom.

He gently knocked on the door before opening it.

He popped his head round the door and melted at the sight in front of him. MJ was sat on the bed with Peter asleep next to her, his head resting on his her shoulder while she held one of his hands. He had tears tracks down his face but something told him the visit had been worth it.

MJ looked up at him and her gaze, if Steve was correct, hardened ever so lightly when she spotted it was him.

"Everything alright?" He asked, shifting slighty at her scrutinising gaze.

She looked him up and down before giving a single nod.

"Perfectly fine."

Steve nodded. "I'll just-..yeah." He walked out and shut the door behind him.

He let out a breath.

The sound of his phone ringing made him jump slightly and pulled out his basic small phone, one that Tony had insisted he get. Tony...


"Ah, Rogers we need to discuss plans for the conference meeting tomorrow."

It was Fury.

"Yes of course, what did you have in mind?"

"Meeting will be at 1pm, don't be late. I'll send people to get you, it will last only a few minutes, get to the point. There might be questions, avoid as many as possible. Am I clear?"

"Yes Fury; Peter is coming?"

"That is up to Peter. I'll see you tomorrow."


woooooooooooooooooooo how's life?

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