Chapter 36: The Start Of School

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They made it to the school just on time, apart from Peter feeling asthough his heart was beating out his chest, he felt ready; ready to see his friends again.

"Alright Peter, you ready to go in?" Karl asked as he pulled the car to a stop outside the front entrance of the school.

"Yeah, thank you for the ride." Peter replied, grabbing his bag off the seat next to him.

"No problem kiddo."

Peter sucked in a breath as for a moment everything around him disappeared and all he could see was Tony, or..a memory?

Peter looked up at Tony as he held the new jacket in his hand.

"Thanks Dad!"

"No problem kiddo."


"-llo? Kid?"

Peter seemed to jolt back into reality and looked up wide-eyed at Karl.

"You okay, you sorta zoned out there?" He questioned, looking slightly anxious.

"O-oh uh, I-I'm fine, see you." Peter some what managed to say before quickly getting out the car and running up to his school. He regretted not really giving Karl an answer but he needed to move along and get to school.

"Peter!" He heard a girl yell; he turned around to see MJ running straight towards him.


He was cut off by her running straight into his arms and and squeezing him gently. "Oh my God.." She whispered softly.

Peter looked over her shoulder to see Ned coming up behind them, a huge smile on his face with slightly suggestive eyebrows. "Hey man!" He yelled.

MJ pulled away at the appearance of Ned and tucked a piece of hair behind her ear whilst coughing awkwardly. Ned came running up to Peter too, hugging him tightly before performing their famous handshake.

"It's been so long dude I can't believe the famous Peter Parker is back!" His friend exclaimed happliy.

Peter laughed and smiled shyly at MJ. "I missed you guys."

"Well I guess you could say we missed you too loser." She replied, her face showed no sign of it but her eyes were honest.

The school bell rang and everyone around them rushed past to get into the school, a few bumping into Ned whilst staring at Peter. "Right.." he rubbed his neck nervously, "Forgot that everyone else will be aksing questions." about the Orphan Kid, was left unsaid.

"Don't worry about them, we and the teachers can stop them for bothering you too much." Ned said, drapping an arm over the boys shoulder and leading them into the school for their first class of the day.


i know this is so short but its been so long since an update and i really wanted to get one out!!

currently on easter break so im going to try and write a lot more updates aswell taking off time to relax so dont be worried if updates are slow like this cause longer ones will be in the works!!

take some time off, relax, and drink some water! <3

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