Chapter 42: The Suit.

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warnings: violence, threats, talk of murder


Ned made his way inside the school in search of Peter, they usually met up outside the building on the steps leading up to the door but when the boy had arrived, he couldn't see his friend anywhere. He figured that he just went to his locker to pick up some books or had to go in early to talk with a teacher.

Still, after the events of the past year or so, Ned was slightly nervous. Peter was Spiderman, a crazy superhero who fought all the bad guys, he had been kidnapped before, lost his Aunt and Dad and been crushed by a building. Ned had a right to be slightly concerned when he didn't show up at school.

He walked down the corridors in search of his friend's locker. In the mean time he pulled out his phone to send a quick text to him.

Ned: where r u man ??

Delivered: 8:14am

Most classrooms were still empty, the odd student or teacher in some of them, so Ned ruled out the idea of Peter talking with a teacher. It was odd. Even more so that Peter wouldn't reply to a text, they had agreed that after what the boy went through, he always needed to keep in touch with Ned, meaning: not ignoring texts. It was mutual decision on both parts.

So why did he not have a reply?

Ned rounded another corner and spotted where his and Peter's lockers were but...Peter wasn't there. An odd knot formed in his stomach.

Something about all of it felt wrong. There were explanations, maybe Peter was late? Perhaps the car broke down, or he had some kind of appointment first thing. 

But why didn't he let Ned know? Peter was his best friend, he would be more than happy to send a text to let Ned know that he would be late, or not be going to school. So why hadn't he?

The corridors were staring to fill up as the time got closer and closer to the beginning of lessons. Ned turned around and saw MJ walking towards him.

"MJ!" He said, walking quickly towards her, "Have you seen Peter?"

"No." She replied, staring at him for a moment, "You look like you've just a ghost." 

Ned let out a laugh, hoping it didn't sound too forceful, "We always meet-"

"Outside on the steps, I know." MJ replied, "So what, he's not there?"

Ned nodded, "But, he always texts me, to say if he won't be there. It's just...he wasn't there today and I haven't gotten a reply to my text yet, I...I guess, I don't know..I'm just worried."

MJ frowned at him, her facial expression morphing into slight worry, "Loser's probably just late."


The bell rang and the two friends exchanged a look. 

This was going to be a long day.


"Don't move." 

That was all Tony heard Grey say before something was pulled across his eyes, yanked back, and tied around the back of his head. He tried to stay still but the force of it jerked his body back slightly and his back hit the man.

"What did I just say?" Grey whispered threateningly, "Don't move."

Tony didn't reply and waited until the blindfold was tightened before he was roughly brought to stand up. He suddenly felt the tip of something hard and metal press into his back and he stiffened.

"You know the rules, no sudden movements."

Grey lead Tony out of the room and down a range of different, of what the man can only guess, corridors. 

Forwards, a left, then a right, forwards again, left...

He made a mental note of the directions until they stopped. He felt Grey moved from beside him and heard a click as the door was presumably unlocked before he was shoved in roughly.

Tony fell to the floor and the door was shut behind him. He groaned as his back collided with it. Grey came up behind him and pulled the blindfold off, stepping away to the side of the room.

He took a moment to adjust to the sudden change from darkness to brightness before he looked around. The room was slightly bigger than the previous one, same design, same material. Only difference was a table off to the left side. It had materials, computers, design equipment and advanced technology carefully placed and organised on it.

"What is this place?" Tony asked.

In a flash Grey's hand came down colliding with the side of Tony's cheek, knocking him onto his side with the force of it. The agent leaned down and dragged the man of the floor, his hand fisted in his shirt.

"I thought we talked about this...Stark." He sneered in his ear, "Don't, talk."

Tony gulped and nodded, but held the mans gaze for a moment before glancing back to the room.

"This room, as you so nicely asked, is where you will be staying for...well, however long it takes for the job to get done."

The tone in which he said it didn't sit right with Tony. He stayed quiet, trying to not to show the pain from the hit.

"You wish to speak?" Grey asked, tilting his head with an amused expression.

Tony nodded.

"Very well then."

Tony glared at him, "What do you mean...'job'?"

"Oh," Grey smiled, "Remember when I said we, Hydra, need your help? Well, you see, we need a..uh, suit. For a new recuit." Grey spoke clearly but slowly, as if choosing his words carefully.

"And, seeing your history in making suits, we figured you'd be ideal for making the best."

Tony took a moment for the words to settle in, he took another look at all the equipment before turning back to Grey, who gestured for him to speak.

"And if I refuse?"

"I think, Stark, you and I both know what will happen." Grey replied, "But in case you have forgotten, let me give you a friendly reminder." He paused, running a finger along the table, "I will kill your son, make you watch, and then kill you myself."

Tony visibly flinched and closed his eyes, lowering his head. He knew the answer, he just somehow hoped different words would leave the mans lips. The situation was an impossible one, but there had to be a way out. There had to be some solution where he could at least get Peter safe. That's what really mattered, of course he wanted to see his son, but if Peter's safety meant loosing his life, than that was what had to happen.

Tony nodded and looked up in understanding.

Grey smiled, "Good. Now," He reached forward and grabbed the man roughly, dragging him over to the small chair where he sat him down.

"Instructions are there, you have everything you need, don't ask questions just get it done. Understand?" The Agent asked.

Tony nodded again and turned around to face the desk, glancing at the different sketches as Grey walked out the room. The door shut and a resounding click of a lock echoed around the small room.

Tony let out a breath he didn't know he had been holding.


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