Chapter 4: Spiderman & Food

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*thank you for all the reads and votes :)*

*ps: pepper and tony are just friends. sorry pepperony peeps*

The drive back was silent, neither knowing what to say. Tony had been shocked when he was called to say Peter got into a fight, the kid wasn't the type of person to do that. But when he heard the god forsaken name Flash he could barely contain himself.

The boy had bullied Peter for years, he could tell when he would come over to work in the lab with the man and seem off. May had mentioned him a few times, neither saying what Flash had said or what had happend, but Tony could make a good guess.

They pulled up outside and walked into the Tower and took the elevator up to the main room, Peter quietly looking at the ground and wiping at his face with his sleeve. The minute the doors opened the boy took off into his room, shutting the door right behind him.

As much as Tony wanted to talk to him he knew Peter would want space, if Flash had been bullying him for years, and nothing had bothered him, what had he said that made Peter even consider violence as an option?

Pepper walked into the area and sighed when see saw him. "Oh for the love of..Tony jesus where were you? You left the meeting early, no texts or calls?"

She crossed her arms in a challenging manner as if daring him to answer. "Look Pep, Peter, his school called. I had to go!"

Tony rubbed as his temple and closed his eyes, "Can we do this later? Please?"

She looked like she was about to argue but settled with a warning glare instead, striding out the room without another glance.

"Oh God.."


Peter was sat curled up on his bed, clutching his pillow to his chest. The whole day had been a total disaster, he knew Flash would point out something but he could barely contain himself when he said...that. His blood boiled everytime he thought of it, he was wrong, so wrong. Tony was his Dad and he was his son.

He was grateful for MJ, they had gotten closer and he didn't know what would have happened if she hadn't pulled him away. He didn't want to know either.

A few tears spilled down his cheeks and he wiped them away angrily, he was 17 for God's sake! Crying wasn't going to fix all his problems. He looked at his slightly bruised fist, it was a blue-grey but he could tell it was already healing, at least it didn't hurt.

There was a knock at the door and it opened slightly, Loki stepping in and walking over to the boy.

"Stark is in a right state, what have you done?"

"Why do you always assume it's me?" Peter said.

"Who else would it be? No one gets his knickers in a twist like you do." Loki smirked and it turned into a smile when he saw Peter stiffle a giggle.

"Just Flash." He murmmured quietly.

Loki's gaze immediately hardened and Peter saw a flash of silver as he pulled out his daggers.

"No, Uncle Loki! really it's fine." The man put the knives away, but not without a little hesitation, and wrapped an arm around Peter's shoulder.

"Don't worry child, whatever that idiotic mortal said was wrong. I suggest you tell your Dad before he goes more insane than he already is." Peter frowned but nodded all the same, "Okay, I'll tell him."

Loki smiled before disappearing in a flash of light, the boy didn't even bother to ask how he did, it was just a Loki thing.

"Friday, where's Dad?"

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