Chapter 40: Too Good to be True

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Peter didn't manage to get anymore sleep after Steve returned him back to Karl and Rose's house. Even though he felt physically exhausted from his sensory overload his mind wouldn't shut off and allow him some peace and quiet. He lay on his back, eyes fixated on his blank ceiling above him.

Any moment now his alarm clock would go off and he would be getting up and going off to school. He didn't know whether he was waiting or dreading the moment to come. Truthfully, he felt ten times better having talked to his family, knowing that he could confide in them with almost anything felt better. He was still healing, and it would take time for his fully be okay again. And that was fine.

The morning sun had already begun to rise and was streaming through Peter's curtains, lighting up his room and warming his skin. It had been a rough few hours but he felt surprisingly refreshed and ready for the day. A couple more minutes passed before he turned over to check the time.


Seemed like a decent time to get up.


The school day passed quickly, Peter's day too filled up with schoolwork and friends to realise how much time had gone by. He had been given notes by Flash, surprisingly, for the History lessons he had missed and had spent his free periods catching up on those.

The bell signalling the end of the day rang out and Peter felt Ned pull his shoulder as they piled out of the classroom. "Hey man, so I was wondering if we could hang out tomorrow? After school. Y'know, build Legos and maybe," He leaned in closer as they walked and lowered his voice, "Spiderman stuff."

"Uh, I'll have to ask but I'm sure it will be fine." Peter replied, the mention of Spiderman was slightly uncomfortable but he would go back to it soon enough.

The boys made their way leisurely to the school gates where Peter spotted Karl's familiar car, giving a quick goodbye to Ned before heading over there.

He pulled open the door and smiled when he saw Rose and Karl sat in the front. "Hey Peter, how was school?" She asked.

"It was okay." Peter answered, putting his seatbelt on, "Are we going somewhere?"

"Yeah, we figured it was about time we got some proper decorations for your bedroom, " Karl replied, "May as well do it sooner than later."

Peter smiled before faltering slightly, "That sounds fun, but I don't have any money."

"Oh sweetie don't worry about that! We'll pay for it all, and maybe Karl can set you up with an account for pocket money another time."

"Really? Thank you guys, that's really kind."

"Of course honey." Rose said, smiling at him through the rear-view mirror. "So, what colour palette we thinking?"

"Um, probably something neutral, perhaps grey and light blue?"

"Good choice." Karl replied from the front seat.

The rest of the drive was peaceful until Karl pulled into a parking lot outside a decorating store and they all got out, Peter leaving his school bag and books in the car.

The store was very large, filled with paint and wood, wallpaper, furniture and countless of other home nick-knacks. It was fairly busy but not too overcrowding.

"Where should we start?" Rose muttered, looking up and down at the isles of items.

"How about bed sheets and covers, could do better than just plain white." Karl said, walking off as Rose and Peter followed.

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