Chapter 22: What were you thinking?

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we hit 1K reads and i just want to say thank you so much to everyone who has read, voted, commented, it means so much to me!!

i never knew my stories would get this much attention but it makes me sooooo happy to see people enjoying what i write :)))))

i love you guys smmmmmm <3 <3 <3


The words left Clint's mouth as soon as he caught sight of what was in front of him. It took him a moment to properly register that Peter was currently laying on some cardboard, one a random building in New York, sleeping. The man wasn't quite sure what he was expecting to stumble upon but it was certainly far from this scenario.

"Peter, wake up!" He said, leaning down to shake his shoulder, alittle rougher than intended but it seemed to the job as he was greeted with Peter's brown eyes slowing opening.

Clint waited until the boy focused his eyes fully before glaring slightly. "May ask what the hell you are doing?"

As much as he didn't want to be harsh on Peter, as much as he just wanted to gather the boy in his arms and wish all his troubles away. He couldn't. Peter needed to learn that he couldn't just go running off and scaring the shit out of them any time he felt like it.

Peter took a moment to process the words leaving the older mans mouth before he bolted up into a sitting position, eyes wide with fear.

"U-uncle Clint?"

"You guessed it." Peter ran a clumsy hand through his hair.

"W-what are you, w-what are you..what are you d-doing here?"

"What am I doing here? Hm, good question. I don't know..maybe, I don't know, looking for you?" Clint said, sarcasm dripping from his every word.

Peter scrambled up from the ground and dusted of his hands, looking up nervously at Clint.

"I was fine."



"Do you know how worried we have been? Did it ever cross your mind that maybe just running off like that would worry us?" Clint commented.

Peter stayed quite as Clint paced in front of him. He could feel the anger coming from the man and he was very aware of the guilt eating away at his heart.

He was still rambling on about whatever it was but Peter honestly wasn't paying attentiom any more. He knew what he had done, in hindsight it probably wasn't the best decision but he couldn't help it.

He already felt as though he was becoming a shadow of his former self.

Peter walked forward and wrapped Clint up in a small hug, resting his head on his chest.

"I'm sorry." The boy whispered quietly, clutching tightly at his jacket.

Clint sighed and hugged him back. "Just..don't do it again."

When he didn't reply Clint pulled back and held his shoulders tightly.

" know we love you Peter." Clint said, voice softer than before. "You're family."

The boy nodded and forced a small smile.

Clint smile and wrapped an arm over his shoulder.

"Then let's go home."


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