Chapter 2: Conference Meeting

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"Pete, sweetheart time to get up."

He groaned and shoved his face into his pillow, why did he have to get up?

"Come on, I know you're awake."

Peter reluctantly propped himself up on his elbows to glare at Tony. "There's my son. C'mon we need to get up."

"Don't wanna." He grumbled, he turned to roll away but ended up rolling onto the floor and landed with an astounding 'oof'.

"Ow..I think my back's as bad as yours's now."

"Oh you're gonna get it!" Tony reached down and started to tickle the boy who shrieked and tried to scramble away.

"A-ah, s-stop, D-dad!" He giggled, trying to catch his breath.

"Alright I'll stop, but come eat we don't want to be late for the conference." Tony smiled and hauled the boy to his feet.

"Are you nervous?" Peter asked, walking with the man into the kitchen whilst grabbing an apple

"A bit. But mostly excited, I get to show everyone that Peter Parker is my son." The boy blushed and took a bite of the apple.

"And I get to show everyone that Tony Stark is my Dad."

Tony smiled and kissed the boys head, turning around to start making his coffee. "You got your suit to wear?"

"The ugly one?" Peter asked innocently, resulting in Tony jabbing him gently in the ribs.

"Where's this cheek coming from, hm?" He placed a bowl of cereal in front of Peter who tucked in almost immediately.


Tony sighed and gulped down his coffee in one go, nodding his head at Loki and Thor who walked in.

"Hey Uncle Loki and Uncle Thor!" Peter said between mouthfuls of food, earning a raised eyebrow from Tony.

"Good morning Man of Spiders!" Thor boomed.

"Thor it's not.." Loki trailed off and held the bridge of his nose with his fingers, sighing deeply.

"I feel you Loki, I really do." Tony stood up put his cup in the sink, "I'll be getting ready if you need me Pete."

The boy nodded, already on his second bowl of cereal and continued eating while talking to the God's.


Peter was in his room putting on his suit, it was a new one Tony had insisted looked great but he wasn't so sure. He self-consciously kept glancing in the mirror, did it even look good? It was a red burgundy colour with a black collar, and a similar colour shirt underneath. He had matched it with smart black shoes he had found and was aimlessly trying to fix his hair.

It didn't seem to work, it looked like a mess of curls and trying to straighten it with his hands seemed to make it worse.

"Want some help bud?"

Peter span around and almost tripped over, having it not been for Tony reaching him in time. "Wow, am I that good looking that you fell for me?" Tony joked as Peter dusted off his clothes.

"My hair's a mess." He mumbled, turning back to the mirror, now that he was standing next to Tony he looked even worse. The man was wearing a smart black suit with gold embellishments, a white shirt underneath and a signature pair of sunglasses.

"Let me apply some Dad magic." Tony left the room and came back in a holding a bottle of hair gel, he snatched the comb from Peter's hand and played around with his hair for a moment.

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