Chapter 1: Nightmares & Family Time

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The quiet silence in the Tower was interrupted by the elevator doors pinging open and a clatter of objects, possibly a person too, falling to the floor.

"I'm good! Totally completely fine!" Peter's voice shouted, struggling to untangle himself from the jumper that had somehow gotten twisted around his legs. His school bag was also laying on the floor, pencils, papers and books surrounding it all in one heap.

"Damn it!" Peter cursed under his breath, quickly gathering up everything that had fallen out. He grabbed a piece of paper and smiled when he realised what it was. How could he have forgotten?

Disregarding all his things that were still on the floor he stood up and ran towards the living room, where he knew for a fact Tony was.

"Dad Dad Dad look!" he said excitedly, skidding to a halt next to where he was sat down next to Rhodey.

Tony looked up from his phone and studied the paper before a smile of his own spread across his face. "A+ in Chem, that's amazing bud!"

The man enveloped him in a hug, the type that made Peter feel so warm, safe...loved. He pulled back to see Rhodey holding up a hand.

"Great job sport!" he said, high-fiving the boy.

"Thanks Uncle Rhodey, I-"

Before Peter could finish he was interrupted by the elevator pinging again and a shout before something heavy hit the floor. His eyes widened and he looked over to meet the worried gazes of both men.

"Peter I'm going to kill you!" Clint yelled, causing Tony to raise his eyebrows at the boy.

"Um, I'm just going to-" The boy stumbled out the room with a small smile on his face and sprinted through the kitchen towards his room, grabbing his things of the floor and only just narrowly missing Clint's attempt grab at him.

Clint clambered up from the floor and dusted himself off. "Peter you little shi-"

"Language!" Steve interrupted, making everyone groan in annoyance.

"Dinners at 6 Pete, make sure you finish your homework before that!" Tony yelled from the living room.

"Got it Dad!"


Peter spent the next hour struggling on the English essay he had been set, his teacher could be so cruel sometimes. He sighed in anger and chucked his pencil across his room, underestimating his strength and jumping when it made a small dent in the wall.


"Pete, dinners ready!" Steve called.

In a panic he quickly grabbed the pencil and shoved it in his pencil case before rushing down to the table where everyone else was waiting to eat.

"Come sit kid." Tony gestured for him to sit in between him and Thor and he happily complied. "Get your essay done?"

"Oh yeah, definitely, super easy." He realised he was rambling and shoved a piece of bread into his mouth to stop more words tumbling out.

Tony gave him a look, "You sure about that?"

"Of course, should I not be sure?"

Okay, now he was being weird.

"Fri, baby, has ickle Petey here done his essay?" The boy blushed and sulked in his seat and the others tried to contain their grins.

"No Boss, Peter has not yet finished."

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