Chapter 41: Stuck In My Head.

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ty for so many reads on this story!! the support means a huge amount to me and I can't wait to make so many more fanfics for you guys!!

anyways may I present to you... chapter 41!! ❤



That was the stench that brought Peter to consciousness. An irony smell that wafted through his nose and clouded around his brain, it felt suffocating. His eyes opened on their own accord and he doubled over as the need to cough became almost unbearable; it tore from his throat and echoed around the room.

The wall was supporting his back as he shifted to lean against it, exhausted and breathless. Peter didn't even need to ask where he was, or why he was there, it was evident from the previous nights events that it was all a lie, a hoax.

His new life was a hoax.

But that wasn't even the worst part in his eyes, after all, what could he expect? He was Peter fucking Parker, Tony Stark's adopted son. Besides, he felt most guilty about how fast he had moved. How could he have been so stupid as to leave his family, his real family? Steve, Bucky, Loki, all of them he mattered, he was important. But these people, he was another tool in their plot to achieve whatever they wanted.

And that was another problem, Peter had no idea what they wanted. Sure, he was the son of a mass billionaire, but Tony...well Tony was gone now and he wasn't of much importance, was he? Being Spiderman was definitely something but only a small number knew that was him; he trusted each of them with his life let alone his identity so, why was he so...hated?

Then that lead on to his other thought: How did Karl and Rose know his identity? He had certainly never told them, or mentioned it once. Unless someone had told them but who? No one he knew would do that, at least, he hoped no one would.

Something hot ran down his neck and Peter brought up his hand to wipe at it. It was sticky and when he peered at his hand he was just able to make out a dark substance. When he bent down to smell it his guess was correct. Blood, that was where the smell was coming from.

He figured it was from whatever had been dropped on his head which caused him to pass out. Since the blood was still fresh he figured it hadn't been too long since the fight, if he tried to guess wisely, it couldn't have been any more than hour since, concluding that it was probably somewhere between 11:00pm and 11:30pm.

After using the end of his shirt to clean his hands, Peter took a proper look at his surroundings. The room was small and the walls were hard and cold, like metal. It was empty apart from a small bucket in the corner furthest from him which he assumed was for when he needed to use the toilet. Other than a door that looked firmly shut the room was simple.

Surprisingly, the boy wasn't chained or tied up in any way either. Whether that was because the people who were keeping him here hadn't gotten round to it yet, or that he was trusted enough to not do something rash, he wasn't entirely sure.

He closed his eyes and leaned his head against the wall, being sure to avoid the sore spot on his head. Now it was simply a waiting game. Peter just had to wait and be prepared for whatever happened next, he just hoped that perhaps someone would notice his absence, maybe Ned or one of the Avengers. But that then left the question, what would they do then? There was no evidence of anything serious or dangerous.

Peter closed his eyes and sighed heavily.

Either way this really fucking sucked.


God this really sucked.

The muscles in Tony's back ached horribly, pulling and tearing when he twisted one way or another. After his last conversation with Grey everything had gone down hill.

He was in Hydra, he was there. But why? His head was fuzzy and he was tired, nothing was making sense to him anymore, was he going insane staring at the same cold walls which had become his only friends?

Tony still didn't know what Grey wanted, it was something, something he needed to do to help them. And fuck no he didn't want to help, but he knew that he had to. Peter, poor sweet Peter, his son was in there grimy hands.

He banged his fist on the floor, the pain not really registering in his head. He missed Peter, he missed his boy so, so, so much. His stomach was in knots constantly, he needed Peter, he just needed to see him, to hold him. Just to make sure he was real.

Tears pricked at his eyes and he didn't have the energy to wipe them away, he just let them fall. He missed everyone. Peter, Nat, Rhodey, Pepper, even Friday. God, he wanted to go home, go home and see his kid and promise them he was back, for good, that he wasn't leaving ever again.

Guilt was building in his chest when he thought about Peter, he had been through so much, so fucking much, and he wasn't there. And God knows what he knew, what any of them knew, he couldn't let the kid loose him, he couldn't make him suffer. The boy needed to know he was okay. For his own sake.

Footsteps approached the door to his room and after a few seconds of locks unclicking, the door opened. Who Tony had become to know as, Grey, walked in. The man strode in, hands tucked in pockets as he looked the other up and down.

"Do I need to remind you of what's on the line here?" He asked, surveying the room as he spoke.

Tony weakly shook his head, swallowing in an attempt to soothe his dry throat. He couldn't remember when last he had some water.

"Then you will listen very carefully to what I am about say, no questions until said, don't speak unless asked a question and no fast movements." Grey replied, pulling his blazer aside to show off the gun which was strapped to his belt, "Am I clear?"


He smiled. "Good."


omg its been a while.

apologies ive been more busy than expected <3

also happy pride month to everyone! its my first pride so if whether you're closeted, open, or unsure happy pride ily <3 :)

next update quite an important one so don't miss it!

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