Chapter 7: Explosions

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Tony's helmet went back up, enclosing over his face and they all charged into the corridor and down towards the room, Peter directing them in front. The man was so proud that the kid had managed to figure out the source all by himself, of course he never really doubted the boy but even this would have been challenging for any of them.

He and the others followed Peter until they reached the room, he spotted the broken padlock strewn across the floor and the smoke that was still drifting from the open door. Steve walked forwards and checked to make sure the room was empty before gesturing for them to all come closer. Tony, Peter, Bruce and Nat went in the room while the others stayed on guard, Scott and Clint wandering off to make sure they were completely safe from anymore Hydra Agents.

"This is what you found?" Nat muttered, hand hovering over her gun attached to her leather belt.

"Yeah, that machine is sending smoke into that room to react with some kind of chemical." Peter said, pointing at different machines and parts of the room.

"So you're telling me, you, came in a highly reactive room filled with smoke which is reacting with an unknown chemical that could, I don't know, explode at any moment with absolutely no backup ready?" Tony said, voice practically emitting sarcasm and frustration.

"Exactly!" Peter said cheerfully, before pausing and spinning around to squint at the man through his mask. "I mean, no. Obviously."

"Tony focus, we have bigger problems than you're parenting skills." Steve said, looking intently at the small gap in the ceiling which led to the room above. "I think if we find a way up here we can stop whatever is causing this. So the area is safe."

"I'll do it! I'm good at climbing." Peter squealed, walking over to the wall and climbing up it and onto the ceiling so he was right near the gap. He moved his head close and could just about peak it through.

"Hey, be careful-"

"Tony's right, don't get too clos-"

"I know." Peter cut both Tony and Bruce off, manovering his body so he could move up just an inch closer. The room was much lighter than the one he was currently in, it was also alot smaller. The smoke was going right into another box which was connected to a small pipe that lead out onto, what Peter guessed, was the outside.

Which wasn't good.

Because that meant he was right under where a possible explosion was taking place.

He quickly scanned the room, and noticed a huge box that had switches and buttons all over it, next to it was also a very small stool that was red and worn. There was bullet-proof glass protection from where the person would sit and the box, and Peter was looking in from right next to the box. Meaning if the box exploded, he would be hit full force. Carefully, moved his hands to either side of the gap and pulled his head out, turning it to look at the others.

"'s going to explode." He hadn't quite meant to put it like that but he was panicking and it was clearly getting to him.

"What?! Is there a timer, there has to be a timer!" Bruce said, "Let me take a look!"

"I got it." Peter muttered, already pushing his head back in and looking at the control pannel. He looked over the hundreds of buttons until he saw in a very small red light, numbers.





A timer.




"Guys! The timer it's going down." He yelled, "And fast!"

"Pete get down now!" Tony yelled back, Peter already spotting the obvious panic in his voice.

"I'll close of the area, you guys get out." Nat rushed out while speaking to the others outside and Clint and Scott through her ear piece.

Peter frantikly looked around, trying to spot any sign that he could stop it, stop the explosion from happening.




"Son, you need to get down." Steve said in a stern voice.

"I can stop it, there has to be a way!"




"Peter please." Bruce tried to say. But Peter ignored him, there had to be a switch, a lever, something! He scanned the room and spotted a small blue button on the box which was full of whatever chemical was reacting with the fire.




He tried to reach up a hand but he couldn't squeeze it through, he tried and tried but it was no use. He could still hear Tony calling him and hands pulling on his legs. But he couldn't just leave, so many people were at risk. He couldn't hurt anymore people when he had the chance no to.




Reluctantly the boy pulled back and he climbed down, immediately being dragged out by Tony, Bruce and Steve. "We need to get out now!"




They ran down towards the end corridor and past the door that previously had people in and round back towards the exit. All the while Peter's hand was gripped tightly in Tony's.




They reached the door that was shut, even though it was left open before, and Steve tugged on it desperately.



Thankfully, Steve brought up his sheild and smashed it down against the handle, opening the door. The last thing Peter remembered was Steve and Bruce rushing out and a push against his back.

Then everything went dark.


word count: 965

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