Chapter 24: The Funeral Of Tony Stark

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wooooooooooooo after this chapter things really be getting intense and I PROMISE this story is going somewhere there is just quite a build up!! hehe enjoy :)


The grey clouds stood out against the blue sky, the air was crisp for a February afternoon and Peter's suit certainly wasn't doing him justice against the cold breeze. He could feel multiple pairs of eyes on him and it was beginning to get annoying, couldn't he get one minute of peace on the day of his Dads funeral? Was that too much to ask?

The morning had been rough for all of them, there wasn't much conversation at breakfast and no one made an effort to change the silent rule.

Peter forced himself to eat a small cereal bar and managed to get dressed in his suit without breaking down but he knew that streak wouldn't last long.

He felt some grab his hand and he turned his gaze from the window to Natasha, she offered him a small smile with teary eyes and somehow Peter understand what she was trying to say. That he could be sad, it was okay, it was okay.

The boy turned his head to glance at Happy who was driving, next to him, in the passengers seat sat Pepper. She looked as devastated as the man did and somehow that just made the pain even worse. Sine they had chosen to ride in two vehicles, the only others with Peter were Thor and Sam.

Still, it felt wrong for not all of them to be there, eventhough they would all be at the actual funeral he wanted them there now.

He needed them here now.

"We'll be there in about 5 minutes." Happy announced, breaking the silence.

Just 5 minutes...


They pulled up outside the small cabin that they had decided to have the funeral at, it was a place Tony had frequently visited for holidays before he adopted Peter.

It was new to the boy but from what the others had said it was the right place for the funeral.

Peter got out the car and walked over to where the other car had just parked, waiting for all of his family to get out and join them.

The general area around the cabin was beautifully calm, the lake glistened in the sun light and the sounds of birds chirping filled the sombre silence. It felt natural and peaceful, almost nice for such a terrible occasion.

The send off was hard. It was physically painful for Peter to watch as Tony's Arc Reactor was sent off into the lake, to send of every last memory he had of the man.

But it was the silence that was worse. The horrible silence because everyone knew what they had lost, the exact moment that everyone truly realised what a man they had lost, a mentor, a friend, a Father.

And Peter couldn't hold it together anymore. All the walls that he had been holding up, fell down, the neutral expression he wore morphed into pain, his eyes blurred with tears and his legs felt weak all at the same time.

He could feel his knees collide with the floor and he fell onto them harshly, someone gripping onto his arm and pulling him into a hug.

And he cried. He cried and sobbed and broke down because he had lost his Dad. And no matter how much he tried, he would never be over it. He would never feel the same without Tony Stark.

"We miss him too." Nat whispered as she held his shaking form, tears of her own spilling down her cheeks as Rhodey approached them.

She looked up and saw his pain and hurt, beckoning him to join the hug and soon everyone else did.

"H-he p-promised," Peter gasped out through tears, "Dad s-said he...h-he would a-always be there for m-me."

"Oh honey, he will always be with you. There will always be a Tony." Pepper croaked out.

"N-no." Peter whispered, shaking his head before gasping for breath.

She was wrong. They were all so gone. He just wanted Tony.

He just wanted the man to hold him one more time, just once more.

"I just really miss him." He mumbled against Nats shoulder when he had controlled his breathing.

"So do we."


After the service had ended Peter wanted a moment to properly said goodbye. For real.

So, with Steves permission, he walked away from the group and down towards the lake edge where he took a seat on the grassy area.

He picked at the grass for a moment before looking up to the sky, maybe, just maybe Tony was watching and listening.

"So...never really planned this I guess, u-uh...I miss you already. You've been gone for so long it almost feels like you were never really here, you know?" He took a deep breath and looked into the water.

"I'm s-sorry Dad, I really messed things up this time and I don't know what to do. Because I should have listened, you w-were right and I was stupid and if I had just left when you told me to then you...y-you still b-be here Dad."

"A-and...I miss you. I really, really miss you and I can't- I can't do whatever this is anymore! What I am I without you Dad? Just some stupid kid who ruins the lives of people who just so happen to take me in, a burden that ruins everything."

He wiped at his eyes before standing up and brushing down his suit.

"But you would want me to keep going, I know you would. ill try, for you Dad I promise. I don't know if it will work but, I will try."

Peter took one last look out across the lake before exhaling.

"I love you." He whispered, before turning around and walking away.

~Will I always have you?~Irondad and Spiderson Fanfic~Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant