Chapter 25: The Day Before

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*set a day after the funeral (friday) the day before Peter is planning to meet his god parents*


"Wake up sleepyhead."

Tony's eyes shot open and he gasped for air. His mind felt like it was in a fog and it didn't fully register in his brain that something was blocking his airways straight away. However once he did realise what was happening the pressure was taken away and he was able to breath again.

"Now, now, calm yourself." A voice said, it sounded smooth and cold, not at all concerned.

Tony coughed harshly and weakly grasped at his chest to try to get more air in his lungs, it felt impossible to breath. But at some point he managed to gasp in oxygen and focus on everything that was going.

His eyes searched the room, which was dimly lit, before he half-focused on who was in front of him.

The man looked young, dressed in a smart navy suit, his black hair slicked back with a neatly trimmed beard. His eyes were a piercing blue, gold specks sparkling malicously.

"Well well well, hello Mr Stark."


"Hello?" Steve asked as the person on the other end of the call picked up. It was the Friday morning after the Funeral and he decided to call Peter's social worker about the boys God Parents. Since he had decided he wanted to meet them, Steve wanted to talk to them first to make sure everything was safe.

"Good afternoon Mr Rogers, I assume this is an enquiry about Peter's God parents?" The lady asked politely.

"Yes, Peter decided that he would like to meet them tomorrow. But I would like to talk to them before hand to make sure everything is safe."

"Of course, like I mentioned before I put in a slot for 11am Saturday, tomorrow, is that still okay?" She asked.

"Yes, yes that's great. When could I meet them?" Steve replied, he really hoped they were free that day.

"I will check with them in a moment, but I'll call you back at 12pm." She said.

"Okay, that's helpful thank you."

"No problem."

The call ended and Steve felt that atleast a small amount pressure was relieved from his shoulders. This way Peter got to meet his family. And that thought didn't scare him at all.

He looked over at the clock which read 9:14am and figured it was properly time to wake Peter up, he knew that some of his school work had arrived the previous day and if the boy needed a distraction, that would do him good.

"Hey kid." He whispered gently, knocking on his door before turning the handle and opening it.

Peter was awake, surprisingly, and sat at his desk. Steve recognised the book he was reading as the Science Book Tony had given the boy at Christmas, he knew it meant alot to the kid and he wasn't expecting him to want to read it anymore.

The boy turned around in the chair at the voice and smiled slightly at Steve.

"You sleep well?" The mans asked, walking towards Peter and leaning against the back of his chair as the boy turned back around and closed his book.

"Didn't really sleep." He murmed, "But I read so.."

"That's good." Steve mentally debated whether or not to bring up the funeral but Peter already seemed in a good mood and he didn't want to mess that up.

"You want a hot chocolate? Scott makes the best." He offered.

"Yeah, thanks that sounds nice." He replied.


Peter was just trying to keep his head clear, clear of any sad thoughts about what he had done and how much he had lost. Because eventhough Tony's death was his fault, a part of him felt motivated to keep going. And if that part of him was the part of Tony that would forever be in his heart, well, that was that.

Still, he pushed on and kept as strong as he could.

He started by trying to focus on the positives, one if those being meeting his God parents. Steve had briefly mentioned that he was going to call them to make sure everything was good before anything official happened and that comforted Peter.

But he was still nervous about the guardianship issue. He wanted to meet them but move in? Have them become his guardians? That was pushing it alittle.

"Wanna train in the gym?" Peter was pulled from his thoughts by Nat, she was in her workout clothes.

"Oh, sure." Peter said, he could feel her hurting aswell and figured they could both do with a good distraction.


"So is tomorrow okay for both of you?"


"Perfect, I'll tell Peter."

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