Chapter 28: Nice.

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Peter lead Karl and Rose towards the Burger place he hadn't been to in so long. It was weird having been to the place so many times before, with May, with Ned, even with Ben at some point but having not seen it in in a long time.

They walked in and took the booth near the window which out looked onto New York, Rose and Karl sitting opposite the boy. "This is a lovely place." Rose said, looking around at the retro styled place.

"Yeah, I remember going here alot with my friends." Peter murmed, smiling at the distant memories.

"I can see why." Karl agreed.

"Hey guys what can I get you today?" The waitress said, pulling out a mini notebook and pen.

Rose quickly skimmed over the menu before answering. "I will have a...vegetable burger with fries."

"I'll get the bacon and cheese burger with the side salad, Peter?" Karl said politely.

"Uh, I'll just get...the small cheese burger and side salad." Peter answered. His food scheduele was still all over the place but he was hungry, not even himself could deny it.

"Awesome, any drinks?"

"Just a jug of water I think."

"Perfect, I'll get that started now."

The waitress left and Peter relaxed back in his seat. There was still some awkward pauses in their conservation, and the boy certainly wasn't ready for anything permanent to happen, not that he had much of a choice, but it was nice. Odd but nice.

"So Peter, how did you get to know Tony Stark? Was it an intern-ship?" Karl mentioned, breaking the quiet air.

A small rush of fear corsed Peter's veins and he froze for a moment at the mention of his name. He had barely talked about his Dad since he..he lost him but not only that, he couldn't just blurt out that he was Spiderman.

"Well..I-I uhh.." Before he could stutter out a half-arsed lie Rose interrupted him but lightly smaking Karls arm.

"Honey you can't just say things like that." She said before turning back to Peter, "I'm so sorry Peter, we don't have to have this conversation if you're uncomfortable."

"No no, it's okay...I, I get why you want to know. I mean, why would a billionare adopt a random orphan like me?" He said dryly.


"But yeah it was like an internship. I uh..emailed him, yeah, about it and he just..helped me alot with school and eveything."

Rose frowned and reached across the table to grasp his hand reassuringly. "We're sorry Peter, we really are. For his death and not being here to support you or care for you. But I promise you that Karl and I want to be a part of your life, we want to be your family. Properly this time. That's if you will let us."

Peter twisted his hand in her grip to grasp it back. "I'd like that alot."


They arrived back at the office at around 5pm, having spent almost the entire day together. And Peter had loved almost every minute of it, from talking to eating to just relaxing it had been nice. Nice to learn about his parents.

Bucky had come back to pick him up with Happy and was pleased to see Peter was smiling.

" guys have fun?" He asked, ruffling the boys hair as he strolled towards him.

"Yeah, yeah we did." Peter grinned at Karl and Rose.

"Good, I'm glad kid." Bucky stated before pulling him to his side.

"Well you wanna say goodbye?"

"Actually, Mr Barnes," Peters social worker appeared next to them with a few folders in her arms. "I need to discuss the issues with guardianship first."


hope u enjoyed this one! next update is quite a big one ;)

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