Chapter 32: Made up my mind.

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"So, when do you think you might be back at school?" Ned asked as he finished up the last question on his Chemistry paper.

"Hopefully soon," Peter answered, "I mean, everything is a little rough right now but I'm I really miss you and MJ."

"You and MJ huh?" Ned teased, wiggling his eyebrows at Peter whose cheeks burned with embarrassment at what his friend said. "Ew Ned no, we're just friends."

Ned gave him a look which said 'I literally know you're lying I am your best friend I can tell' but Peter chose to ignore him. Sure he may have a teeny, tiny crush on MJ but it's no like she liked him back or anything. Or maybe she did? No, definitely not. But-

"She likes you dude stopping worrying." The other boy interrupted his thoughts, "Just ask her out or something."

"Ned!" Peter almost yelped, "Are you insane?"

"Well I wouldn't use 'insane' but-"

"Do you know how embarassing that would be? Flash would never shut up about it."

Ned sighed and packed up some of the books which they had scattered across his bedroom floor. "You're literally Spiderman Peter, don't worry about Flash and his little minons opinions."

Peter smiled and played with the zip on his jacket out of habit, one he only did when he was unsure about something. "Can't exactly tell him that though."

"That's the best part."


"Because as much as he came break you down and call you a looser, make fun of your intelligent skills, you are and always will be Spiderman. I know, you know, everyone you want to know, knows. And at the end of the day, you have achieved more at the age of 17 than he will achieve in a life time." Ned finished, not stumbling over his words once.

Peter looked up at his friend and smiled gratefully, trying to show how much he truly cared and appreacited his words. Ned meant everything to him and he honestly didn't know what he would do if he didn't have him by his side. "Thanks Ned."

"No problem man. You heading back to the Tower yet? It's getting late but if you want to stay here I'm sure my Mom would be find with it." Ned asked.

"Oh no, thanks but I should probably head back before Uncle Steve or one of the others worries." Peter stood up and did his hand shake with Ned before slipping through the open window and starting his route back towards the Tower.


When Tony next awoke he, surprisingly, felt better. The area where he had been injected sill ached but his body didn't feel heavy, instead lighter. He managed to sit up again against the wall and properly gather his surroundings.

He was still in the clothes from however long ago it mst have been, a plain black shirt with a dirty pair of trousers he had spilled oil on in the lab. His Iron Man suit was still missing, wherever it was, and there were multiple cuts scattered across his arms and he could feel a few on his face too.

The room was dimly lit and, of what light there was, Tony could see the entire thing was made out of metal. Making it impossible for him to escape...

He moved to stretch his shoulders but gasped at the pain which split through the top of his arm as he moved. What the hell? The man pulled his arm up gently and peered down at the spot where it hurt.

The skin was bruised slightly and dried blood was decorating the outside of the small cut that had been made. It seemed deliberate since there was almost no other marks on the arm and that thought scared Tony more than he cared to admit.

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