Chapter 18: Tony.

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*TW: blood, injury detail*

His bones flamed with agony, his head pounded against his skull like a hammer and his body...his body felt weak. Tired. He tried to move but everything protested, not in pain but restriction; something was holding him back.

Tony cracked open an eye and wheezed slightly, coughing up blood which he felt dripple down his chin. Where the heck was he?

His mind was hazy in places and he couldn't remember what happened, or why he was wherever he was. His hands were tied behind his back with something and his arms and legs seemed to be the same, he couldn't feel any noticeable injuries everything just throbbed unomfortabely.

The man looked around the room but everything was dark, a horrible darkness that felt like it was suffocating him slowly. "F-fri-" His throat burned with the lack of water and he couldn't even finish his sentence before launching into another coughing fit, scratching at his throat.

He reached blinding for his helemt but that was missing, he then reached down to his suit but that was also gone. That was when he realised things were not good, he remembered putting on his suit at some point, for whatever reason he couldn't remember, and if that was missing...he was in danger.

The floor was cold and almost welcoming to his head that felt like a heater, it felt like chains were wrapped around his torso, arms, legs and ankles but without light he couldn't be sure. Instead he tried to focus on remembering what happened.

Putting on his suit must have meant a mission, a mission with...the Avengers. The word 'explosion' kept popping up in his head, explosion, explosion...

Trying to stop something, running out of time...everything was slowly coming back to him. Steve yelling about something, running, running...

Pushing someone to safety..someone..



"Peter don't cry." Happy tried to say but found his eyes were also watering. Peter shook gently against him as he cried silently, the man looked up at all the others and frowned.

"Kid, let's sit down." The boy pulled back and wiped aggressively at his face to get rid of the tears, the action making Happy's frown deepen. Peter was never like this, and the reason just made the situation more painful.

"You alright?" Steve asked the man politely. "I'm...okay." Happy said, but it was obvious he wasn't, but no one else was either.

Peter went over to the empty sofa and sat down heavily. He ran a hand messily through his hair and sighed. There was an awkward silence where no one really knew what to say and Happy shifted uncomfortabely.

"Well I uh, actually came here because of a call I recieved." The man fiddled with his hands for a moment before clearing his throat. He knew what he had to say was hard but there was no easy way to do it, sometimes that was just the way things were.

"It was of Peter's social workers." Happy watched the boy's head fly up to look at him, so fast he thought it might fall off. His brown eyes searched his face for a moment before he looked away.

"What did they say?" Nat asked. "Well, they knew of..Tony's recent passing," He pushed the words out with force but continued, "And they had some pretty big news. Good or bad..well I suppose that's up to you guys."

Peter was paying more attention now, the word 'bad' was definately something he didn't want associated with social workers. But how could something bad be good? Unless, it was good but with bad?

"Peter," He turned towards the boy and sighed, "Look, the lady called saying two people had come to her office today..." Happy took one more look at them all.

"They're your God Parents Peter."



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