Chapter 13: Friends

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this is killing me too guys

Peter could still feel the after effects of the nightmare upon him, he still flinched at little movements around him and when he heard voices, but he knew deep down he was safe. Natasha was holding him gently and he could hear them talking to eachother and occasionally whispering. "What are you guys talking about?" He whispered quietly, his big eyes glancing between them all.

"Well, um." Scott started, looking around at them all, "We were talking about-"

"Fury came yesterday." Clint said, "Talking about how we are going to, well, present the news about...about..T-tony." He cleared his throat and crossed his arms.

Peter blinked slowly and nodded solemnly, he knew what he had to do, he knew whatever they were planning needed to be done and needed to be done fast. "O-okay."

"So, Fury was thinking of a meeting tomorrow." Steve ventured, watching the boy warily for any reactions. "Now listen," He knelt down so he was at the boy's height and looked at him seriously.

"If you don't want to be there, you don't have to be. If you aren't ready, that's okay, you don't have to do anything you don't want to."

The boy nodded and took a moment to ponder.

"I..I want to be there. I need to be the one to say." He looked up at the man and Steve nodded, "Okay."

Bucky made a gesture with his head to Steve and out to the door and the man noticed. While the others were busy making sure Peter was alright both men slipped out and walked into the kitchen.

"What is it Buck?"

"I have an idea on..helping Peter. He needs to talk to someone and clearly he doesn't trust us enough which I understand."

Steve nodded, "Well, what is it?"

"I think if he were talking to someone who was closer to him he would feel one of his friends from school."

"I don't know, the idea is good but we haven't made an offical statement yet. If they find-"

"Steve please. I know what he is feeling...he just needs some familiarly." Bucky looked at him, "Plus, what is a kid gonna do?"

"Alright alright, who do you have in mind?"


The day was slow, no one really said much, no one really did anything, it was just...slow. Peter had been figuring out what he was going to say for the conference tomorrow, as much as he didn't want to he had to. It was his duty as Tony's son.

He dragged himself off the sofa and up into his room, the dark cycles under his eyes had grown even darker than before, turns out sleeping with nightmares wasn't all that restful.

He sat down at his desk and rubbed at his red, sore eyes harshly, trying to control his breathing so he wouldn't break down again.

He closed his eyes and regained himself before rummaging through a drawer for some paper and a pen. The cool air from his open balcony felt nice against his face and the chill that it sent through him woke him up.

Everything had gotten so hard and complicated, everything was so stressful and he could barely breath without being reminded of everything he had been through.

And now he had to actually say goodbye.

Shakily, he picked up the pen and tried to write. He pressed the nub onto the paper but then he stopped, he could feel the shaking get worse and he could no longer hold the pen properly.

He wasnt ready, he wasnt ready, he wasnt ready...

The pen slipped for his fingers and dropped onto the paper before falling off onto the floor. Peter gripped the side of his desk with his hands, trying to control his breathing.

He couldn't do it, he couldn't do it, he couldn't do it...


No, he couldn't.

"Peter? Hello?"

Breathe breathe breathe...

"What's wrong Peter-"

There was a hand on a shoulder and Peter flinched harshly, standing up aburptly from his chair with frightened eyes.

However he was not expecting to see Mj stood there, she looked sad and confused, nothing like the normal badass MJ.

"Peter?" She asked again, more softly.

She never called him by his name.


A moment passed where neither knew what to do before everything just seemed to click into place.

They took a step forward and embraced, MJ's arms wrapping around his neck while Peter's went around her waist.

He felt the tears swarm his vision and he buried his face into her neck, crying softly as she rubbed up and down his back in a comforting manner.

"Please don't cry."


word count: 792

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