Chapter 37: Who am I?

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Peter trailed after Ned and MJ as they walked towards the English classroom, he had been to that classroom so many times before yet now seemed, so, different...

"So..your God Parents? They nice?" Ned asked, clearing the silence.

"Yeah, they're actually super cool, way nicer than I thought they would be." He replied.

"I'd like to meet them." MJ said casually, looking over at the boy.

"W-what, really? I m-mean sure-"

"Relax loser, just want to make they're not total shit heads."

Peter smiled, "Thanks MJ, but I can assure you they are not-"

The second bell rang, ending the conversation as they hurried to their class. The three of them rushed past a few other students who gave Peter weird faces but the boy did his best to ignore them.

"Parker! Good to have you back." Mrs Winderson said as they entered the classroom. "Do you want the paper notes from last lesson?"

"Yes please." Peter said, taking the notes from her hand before walking towards his desk, which was next to Ned's and unfortunately Flashes. But his chair was empty.

"How much have I missed?" Peter asked he got himself sat down.

"Not much," Ned said, "I mean Flash got a girlfriend, he also got excluded 3 times um, we have a project in science, Mr Bridge got sacked-"

"Okay so I missed alot." Peter chuckled. "And Flash got a girlfriend?!"

"Yeah, that Olivia girl from Music class. Don't know what she sees in him but there we go." He said.

Peter nodded and chatted with his friend for a few more minutes before Flash entered with his group of 'friends' around him. The boy lowered his head slightly to attempt to avoid his presence being noticed but suprisingly Flash just walked past without a word.

It was odd to see the bully so calm with Peter Parker next to him, especially for Peter himself. What the hell?

"Okay class everyone get out your exercise books we'll continue where we left off from last lesson..."


The first 3 lessons of the day went by reasonably fast, majority of it Peter spent trying to navigate his way through countless worksheets and quizzes whilst keeping notes on the current work. Good job he had Ned and MJ to help.

He headed off to his locker before going to the canteen while Ned rambled on about some science equation he learnt while Peter had been absent. The locker door sqeaked slightly as he pulled it open and he pulled out a few books.

"-oh look who it is." Ned whispered, tapping Peter on the shoulder before motioning for him to turn around and look.

Peter looked to see Flash walking down the corrider, Olivia tucked under one of his arms while the other was in his pocket. The boy mentally, and physcially, prepared himself for the worst but nothing happend.

Instead Flash smiled.

Flash smiled.

The boy continued walking like nothing happend, the girl giggling at something he said.

"What the-"

"Did he just-"

"Smile at me?"

"I think he did."

"No, no way."

There was a pause before they both burst out laughing, Peter having to hold onto Ned to avoid him falling onto the laugh.

~Will I always have you?~Irondad and Spiderson Fanfic~Waar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu