spare coat (idk what to name this-)

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The world was far from ending, but being a transplant to Atlanta Georgia, sometimes the heat of a summer day made it feel as though the apocalypse was early. Appropriate considering ninety percent of the time your house was used for an apocalypse set.

You'd move looking for adventure and a sense of purpose. The adventure was easy to come by, you were still working on the other part - even a year later. You didn't mind though, you were young and still had a lot of time. At the moment all that mattered was enjoying the parts of life that were working out well. Maybe you were avoiding but it was fine.

On this particular August day, well evening now, you'd had a long shift at your crappy retail job. Someone had called out sick and being the only option, you were asked to stay for a double. If you didn't need the money for your surprisingly cheap rent, you would have backed out. To make the day even longer, when you pulled up to your block you could see that there was a bunch of big white trailers parked on the street, barricading just in front of your house.

Normally, you had the filming schedules memorised. You even had a sheet that you kept in your car so you knew when to try and be back in time to hide your car in the garage. As you got closer to the trailers though, you realised they weren't the normal production. With a heavy and tired sigh you parked behind one of them to try and find the PA that always kept people out.

The production assistant found you quite quickly, telling you immediately that you couldn't be where you were. It only took a moment to explain that you lived in one of the houses on the block and weren't notified of their filming. When you started talking about your long day doing a double shift and how you just so desperately wanted to go home and sleep, he looked to have a bit of sympathy as he lead you to the head of the production before relaying your story.

Before you really had a chance to process what was happening you had a bunch of paper work shoved at you. Every last bit of it was instructing you that if you said anything about what you saw on the set, you'd have legal action taken against you. NDA's are terrifying but you were exhausted so you signed everything you had to and then the PA took you to one of the white trailers. Where there was usually a name, it was blank. No one was staying in this one today.

The young man told you that you were allowed to visit the coffee cart but had to stay away from the actual set, and if you were near by to be as quiet as possible. Their filming was set to be all night, only stopping when sunlight got in the way. You offered a very gracious thank you, for what seemed like the millionth time, as you stepped into the spacious trailer.

There was a modern feel to the place, a cozy fireplace in the centre of a sitting room. You could see that down the hall was a door to a bathroom. The large leather couch was all too inviting and when you sank into the cushion you nearly moaned. You were gonna have to find out where this couch was from because you needed it in your house immediately.


You shot up off the couch with a start, your heart slamming angrily in your chest. The clock on your phone read 01:23. As you took in the unfamiliar room you started to panic even more. It took you a moment to remember where you were, and why. Another loud bang made you jump again but at least it made sense now. Whatever they were filming, that had to be thunder. A deep annoyance settled in at the realisation you wouldn't be getting anymore sleep. At least tomorrow, or rather today, was your day off.

After a moment of collecting yourself, the last thing you needed to do was stomp around a set you were specifically told to be quiet on, you decided coffee would be essential. Perhaps you could get them to just give you an IV of caffeine to make it through the night.

When you made it to the coffee cart outside you realised that the temperature dropped drastically. One day you would remember that even though the days were disgustingly hot and humid in Georgia, the evenings were actually freezing. Scrapping the idea for an iced coffee you made sure to order a latte, as hot as they could make it. The floral, flowy blouse you'd worn to work had no sleeves and was paper thin which provided no protection against the nippy night air.

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