Chapter 39:

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Apollo's POV:

You know the saying another day another dollar, well it's bull. Nero has had me locked up here for five days now, only giving food and water for us to barely live...well for me to barely live, and I still haven't seen a singular dollar. "Apollo will you please shut up about food and boredom " Meg said, "it's not really helping any of ours" 

"Well sorry" I said, probably a bit too sarcastically as she punched me and then ordered me to shut up for the next hour.

"Ahhh I see my plan is working" I heard Nero's voice said from outside the cell.

"And what's your plan as I'm pretty sure Apollo and I were suppose to be killed and not captured" Meg yelled, and I wanted to tell her to shut up but I legitimately couldn't make a sound out of my mouth because she told me to shut up.

Nero, even though I couldn't see him, I could tell he was quite pissed at Meg for yelling at him, "Meg dear please just leave Apollo and stop playing these silly games, you don't want the beast to come out do you" Nero said in a sickly sweet tone, that made me want to barf.

"But aren't you the beast. I mean you do inhabit the same body after all monster" Meg talked back, and I began to pray for once in my immortal life, and it was for Percy to turn off Meg's sass and scolding switches, but I have a feeling he is enjoying this too much.

"You shouldn't talk back to me that way, daughter" Nero said but his tone switched to one that's much more mean and dark than the previous one.

"I'm not your daughter"Meg mumbled

"what was that, Meg, or are you forgetting something" 

"I said I'm not your daughter, I'm the daughter of Demeter, and I will most certainly scold your ass all the way to Hades" she yelled back, and for just a small singular moment I swear that I could hear and feel the change in how Nero held himself. It was almost like he didn't expect this. "Oh and if anyone in this building is my parent or family it's Lu as she was the only one that cared about me" She continued and I could tell now that even Lu, might have wanted her to shut up, but I think we both know she is too much like her mother right now.

"hhhmmmm I see then, maybe I'll just have to kill them then, put your punishment onto them" Nero started adjusting whatever plans he had, "Of course, I should start with your half sisters and their friends, sadly you'll be here with there being nothing you can do to save them" Nero said, and I'm pretty sure Demeter is being restrained as we speak. I still get Nightmares from when Persephone went missing. "Then of course, when you have no one else to save you, I'll be free to torture your precious Lu right in front of you, making sure you know her pain is all your fault. You shouldn't have turned against me Meg"

Now, somehow during this my hour has passed and I could finally speak, "That's where your wrong Neronis" I said, and I could sense Meg was about to order me to shut up again, "You made a mistake making an alliance with Caligula, because if I fail, and die, I can assure you the seas will not stop til the last of Caligula's allies die" I finished

"You mean Neptune, he's nothing but a wimp, he would never go against me" Nero said

"Oh I'm not talking about Neptune, I'm talking of his successor, you know the son of his he disowned, the son that killed him and took over his domain during the civil war" I stated, and I started hearing thunder, and I'm not sure who was causing it but I think I'm going to shut up to keep anyone from coming to kill me.

"Neptune died? Impossible he's...he's a god he can't be stopped or even killed by a mere demigod, that's not even mentioning losing control of the seas" Nero stuttered, and I think he could tell he would be in danger, if I was telling the truth.

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