Chapter 9: I'm Finally Liked

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AN: I like comments and responding to them when I first start on the day so feel free to comment anywhere you want

Apollo's POV:

Out of all the birthday's I have lived through this one is by far the most hectic one yet. Let me explain, first I have a weird dream, in which I spy on a past, or maybe it was current event. I wake up from that dream on a floating mattress in the middle of the lake, only to then explain everything to Chiron and spend most of the day looking for Meg, and maybe some missing demigods. After searching the entire camp, I basically said I'm done and went on to find the grove, only to find all missing persons there. But to top all of this crazy stuff off Nero wanted to burn the Grove of Dodona, has Meg as a step or adopted daughter, and when I get back to camp there is a huge statue attacking camp. 

The only problem I have with the statue is that it didn't resemble me, but I guess having a giant automaton me attacking camp wouldn't do well for my already terrible image and PR. I should hire somebody for that, when I return to godhood. 

Where was I,...Oh yes, so here I am with the day coming to an end when I shoot the fatal shot that killed the giant automaton, and Percy claimed most of the scrap metal. Mainly as the head and legs were all that remained when we got to scavenging. 

That night was honestly the best one I have had at camp, but Meg left sometime during the battle. "Hey, dad...uhh good job out there" Will said. I could tell that some of the hostilities were gone, but they still had a distrust of me.

"Thanks...Will" I responded hesitantly as I am not sure if this was a prank or not. Also, it's a bit suspicious. I went up to the brazier because it was dinner time now, and went up to make an offering. 

As I was in line I didn't know who to offer to, but I just ended up offering to my sister realizing its her birthday too, and we haven't celebrated together in a long time. I didn't know if she would accept it, but she did surprisingly. I guess her heart isn't all cold mean huntress all the time, but I wonder why she accepted it. 

At the campfire that night they praised me though it was weird being there, and having just done what they are praising me for, though they are calling me 'Lester, the mortal Apollo'. I guess it's better than the insults and them calling me traitor.

I woke up the next morning for once in the same location that I fell asleep in, and without shaving cream or any other substance on my face. It was nice that for once I have a good morning and good start to my day. 

However, I knew my time at camp was coming to a close. I have to move on to free the next oracle and the only one that I know that is associated with blue and cave is my son Trophonius. He was a good guy but what worries me is that his prophecies are generally really dark, like painful death kind of dark. There was a few words that were said in the forest before I put the wind chime up, as well, I wonder if they are parts of other prophecies or just random words meant to try and drive me insane before I could put up the windchime.

I made my way to go and see Chiron to discuss the prophecy and some of the random words that were said as well, because who knows they could have been clues and what not. 

"Hey Chiron, can we talk about what happened in the grove of Dodona" I asked to which he nodded.

I recited the prophecy to him and he paled, which is weird for a horse. "Apollo you do realize that that prophecy is a limerick right" He said

I nodded solemnly, limericks are not good prophecy's. "Ok to start you are likely leading this quest as you are directly stated. The second line is likely your location. And the third and fourth lines, a three seater and bronze fire eater if taken as the same likely means Festus, as he has seated three for quest and well he breathes fire and eats bronze, so you are probably going with Leo and Calypso for this next part" He inputted

"Oh yea I get to ride a bronze dragon that may or may not kill me" I half joked. Although I am the sun god, I do not like open aired heights, I may have fallen out of the sun chariot a few times...before the awesome upgrades. 

"The last part is not so obvious it could mean any number of things, all of which are not good" Chiron said before my oracle walked through the door.

"Hey, Chiron. You know how we talked about how Octavian received those weapons and not even Reyna or the senate knew where they came from. Well, I did some digging, and found out that they came from a holdings company, called triumvirate holdings. I got interested and dug some more and come to find out they had dealings with Luke. But...hold on are you two following along" she said, finishing with interrupting herself at the end.

Chiron answered yes and I no. Where she lost me was at Octavian acquiring weapons in an unknown way.

"Ok so the most interesting thing is that the company has not changed hands in over 300 years. It was seemingly created right around the American revolution, and has never changed owners. Now there's only a few explanations, most of which the owners are immortal" She finished looking like we should finish.

"Well Nero is still alive it's something we didn't know about since the dark ages" I said simply and Chiron got a look of horror. He probably remembers Nero's time as Emperor

"That's not good, but he suites the bill for being a part of the company but who are the other two" Chiron said more so to me than Rachel. 

"What do you mean other two" Rachel asked

"Well If you paid attention in history you should know that when Rome was transitioning from republic to empire, there were two sets of three leaders who lead Rome, and her many...states. The first triumvirate was Julius Caesar, Pompey, and Marcus Carssus. Julius came out on top as the main leader and unofficial first emperor of Rome. The second triumvirate was Augustus Caesar, Mark Antony, and Lepidus, they fought and Augustus won becoming the first official Roman Emperor. If this is a triumvirate, which it likely is, then we need to know who Nero is working with, and it is probably not a good set of three." Chiron explained, while also scolding Rachel for not paying attention in history. 

"So, we know Nero is one of the emperors, but who are the other two" I asked, because Nero was paranoid like, Zeus. 

"What makes you assume that the others are emperor's" Rachel asked

"Knowing Nero he wouldn't work with anyone below or above him, so that crosses off everyone but people like him, even crosses off the gods, as he wouldn't want to be less powerful than another" I said nonchalantly, only to hear a slow clap from Percy.

Olympus Reborn Book 2: Apollo's ReturnWhere stories live. Discover now