Chapter 2: School Begins

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Percy's POV:

After setting up that prank for Apollo, Artemis flashed Thalia and me to the hunt in some national forest in Idaho.  There's not a ton of them and when it's just trees and mountains they all kinda blend together, though I won't deny the beauty that can be found in each of them.

The hunters were surprised to see me back with them and probably thought I would be doing something else, what I don't exactly know. I mean I am dating their lady and it's not like me accepting godhood changed that whatsoever.

"Percy is here because I am teaching him how to control his powers" Artemis stated drawing me from my thoughts, "and Thalia is also going to be joining said lessons" 

"Milady how long will Percy be staying with us," Scarlet asked

"At a minimum, the time it takes for me to teach him..." Artemis answered, leaving a pause to gauge her hunters, and Scarlet looked a little upset, and I felt a bit sad, "and for a maximum, as long as you all don't kick him out, or until he leaves" Artemis finished, to Scarlet's relief

"Percy how long are you going to stay," Scarlet asked me

"as long as you all don't kick me out" I responded, knowing I don't plan on leaving Artemis.

"We'll be camping here for a few days while I take Percy and Thalia to more deserted parts of the forest to begin their training, at least until they get control over their godly form and teleportation, the rest can be done here," She said to both Thalia and me, and the hunters. I took this time to look around and noticed my tent was missing

"Artemis, where's my tent that I had last time," I asked, not sure where I was going to sleep

"It's right there" She responded pointing over her shoulder at her tent. I was confused for a moment and then realization hit me. She wanted me to stay in her tent.

I had no... well actually two problems with that, the first being my main concern, was how the hunters would feel about this, and the second being, where exactly was I sleeping in there. If my memory serves me, which it usually does, there's only one bed and I'm definitely giving that to Artemis. I didn't raise questions about it or speak out about it as I decide to think exactly how cautious I need to be, as the hunters don't know about the one other time we did sleep together, which was completely by accident.

Artemis took Thalia and me somewhere after that and began explaining the best way to control our godly form, and how to go back and forth between the two. It was only a verbal lesson and a demonstration because she didn't want us to and I quote 'Accidentally vaporize one of her hunters by turning into our godly forms unintentionally'. I mean I wouldn't but my pinecone-faced cousin might. I also noticed that for the first time, I didn't have an urge to turn away or close my eyes when a god/goddess was going into their true form. Shortly after her demonstration though, she told us we were going back to the hunt for dinner, as it was late and a long day we were done with school for the day.

"What is for dinner," I asked smelling some of Alexia's and Julia's cooking. And before you ask they surprisingly have better skills than the best of their native land's culinary skills, and the French and Italians have great culinary skills. 

"Well the girls got a Bison and we decided to have a feast, so we have been cooking the whole Bison. The Brisket and ribs will be done shortly along with the Flank steaks and some Burgers. The rest should be done within an hour or so after those" Julia said

"When did you girls hunt a Bison," Artemis asked, to which none of the hunters answered. "fine forget about it, but next time please tell me before you hunt for big game like that. Especially if it is a herd animal" Artemis sighed out slightly annoyed, as dinner started with Julia and Alexia bringing out the cuts of meat and a giant bowl of fries.

I went for some of the brisket, a few ribs, and a burger and fries. That last one, was because there were only enough burgers for everyone to get one to start, and after tasting it, I probably could have eaten all the burgers. 

By the time everyone cleared their plates, Julia and Alexia brought out the tenderloin steak, the ribeye, a bunch of smaller sirloin steaks, and a t-bone steak. I wanted to try that t-bone, but Artemis got to it first. So, I settled for some of the tenderloin and ribeye, and a sirloin steak.

 I'm guessing when they said feast they weren't kidding as I'm pretty sure there can't be much more meat left, but I was proven wrong by the second round of burgers coming by and even more fries to go along with them. I wasn't sure how much we have eaten but Artemis, Thalia, and I were still going until the food stopped coming. The younger hunters stopped after the second burger went by, and ironically that's when I stopped counting the rounds of food that also went by. I'm pretty sure that I had a couple more steaks and burgers, and maybe some roast somewhere in there but I wasn't really paying attention. (AN: sorry if I butchered any cuts of bison meat, I am not a butcher and just did a look-up on the intergoogle. Though burgers do most commonly come from the chuck, I believe. Also, forgive the earlier pun)

"That was good," I said falling out of the chair and laying on the ground.

"You entering a food coma Perce" I heard Thalia ask, likely from across the room on the floor

"it's likely," I said shutting my eyes for some sleep. I heard some chuckling, and the hearing of bets to see if it would be Thalia or me who entered the food coma first. And us, being the competitive little shits we got up off the floor to avoid entering said coma.

Thalia and I made our way over to the campfire and started to stare at each other waiting for the other to fall into unconsciousness from the sheer insane amount of food that we ate. "You'll never win this kelp head. I am not going down first" Thalia said after an hour.

"Well, neither am I" I countered back. I heard the hunters quickly change the bet to who would win the starting competition and that's when I knew it was going to go down to a battle of who can stay awake the longest.

A couple more hours passed with neither Thalia nor I even moving, despite the hunters' best efforts to get their choice of the victor to actually win. Of course, that was all stopped around midnight by Artemis who just got tired and told us all off to bed. No one wanted to move so they all stopped their antics but Artemis just sighed and teleported Thalia to her tent, proclaiming I won and collecting her winnings, with a few other hunters, while others claim that I cheated. 

"I didn't cheat, as it wasn't I who teleported Thalia out making her lose the competition," I said loud enough to make sure Thalia heard from her tent.

"Now, that Percy won and all of you finished collecting your winnings, off to bed. Percy and Thalia have a long day tomorrow and I would like to have them well-rested" Artemis said, also loud enough to ensure Thalia can hear. The next thing I know I was teleported inside of Artemis's tent directly on the bed with her laying on top of me. "Don't even think of moving, you're a comfortable pillow" Artemis yawned out before going to sleep on my chest, leaving me to think about what the hell just happened.

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