Chapter 10: Percy Finds a Loophole

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Percy's POV:

Where was I...oh right something, something, something, Apollo kills big automaton. Well after the automaton was defeated, I asked/sent Tyson, Clarrise, Chris, and Kym to take the torso back to the new forges. Which is the only part of the new Atlantis that is built so far. Mainly because Tyson had nothing better to do than build it, for the past few months. Kym, believe it or not, finished designing a palace for herself, and hasn't told me where she wants it, nor has she figured it out for herself. 

"So Percy, can we goto the movies now" Artemis asked me after the meeting was over, and interrupting my thoughts. 

"Yes we can go" I responded. I teleported us to a movie theater that had a lot of showings somewhere in New York, don't ask me which because there's too many of them. Artemis, being who she is, saw the poster for Brave(An: yes this happens mostly according to the cannon timeline(of PJO/HoO)...roughly), and was immediately sold on the film. I, being wise for today, rolled with it, as there is little to do on talking her out of seeing a movie that involves archery.

We left the theaters and Artemis pauses for a second, "Percy...Apollo just sacrificed to me"

I thought quickly on the matter, "you should accept it, probably has to do with him realizing its your birthday too". She accepted his offer, and in all honesty it is probably the first time he's done anything for her on this day since they were kids.

My brain quickly shifted into thinking about other things though, mainly on how does anyone acquire so much celestial bronze, " Hey Artemis, how do you think the bronze was acquired to build that giant automaton" I asked, fairly innocently

She seemed to think for a while, before growing frustrated, "really Percy, did you have to ask me this before we head to bed, couldn't it have waited until morning" She asked in a tired and annoyed way.

"I suppose it could have, but it was bothering me" I stated sheepishly, because an angry, annoyed and tired Artemis is a scary Artemis.

She sighed, "we could check the archives in the morning, but other than that there's not much we can do, if it involves interfering with Apollo's quest"

Time skip

Artemis and I, went to Athena's library, as it is also the archive. I wasn't as focused as Artemis was and was looking around with anything in relation to the sea, and came across an old document from sometime before the year 100, "Hey Artemis, was this war on the sea with Caligula ever resolved" I asked as I didn't see any peace or armistice treaty, that was with it like there was for another war that was near it.

"No, Your father didn't want to sign any treaty nor did Caligula" She responded

"great I'm already involved in a war that's thousands of years old, and one that I didn't even start" I exasperated to which she laughed from somewhere. I went off to search again but was cut off shortly thereafter by Artemis saying she might have found the culprit.

"Is that the largest buyer of Celestial bronze" I asked and Artemis nodded, "Even with all of that it still wouldn't be enough to build the automaton"

"Some of the metal in the automaton could have been stolen or found from lost weapons and other things" She said

"like the defective Talos from the junkyard" I asked

"It's certainly possible, but it's enough to warrant further research into the company"

I decided to look it up on the intergoogle, to see what the mortals had on the holdings company, and if you don't count the seemingly non transitioning possession of the company, they had nothing. I asked Artemis about what she found on them and well, it's not good. We found out that not only did Luke make purchases from them, which included his Yacht, but also Octavian, which answers the question of where the onagers came from. 

"So they have supplied our enemies, and gave weapons to the mad man trying to bring us into civil war" I stated

"Yes, and before you ask no my father won't declare war on them, even with this information. Likely because he would say it is interference, into a number of things, or it's not worth our time." She explained

I began to think of a work around, and may have came up with one, " So if Caligula is somehow let's say a part of this company, and since I'm at war with him because he declared war on 'the seas', would that make it so that I and those who are a part of my domain can wage war on them" I questioned

"It might but it will have to be restricted to the seas, meaning your forces can't leave the seas". 

When she said that oh did my mind have a field day, on all the ships I could hopefully get released from the underworld to...uhh...assist me in this endeavor. I also made a copy of the declaration of war against the seas, so I could have Clarrise prepare for war against Caligula, if he still lives. (AN: If you want to see any ships Percy might acquire you can list them here)

After are findings Artemis went back to the hunt, and I went off to tell Apollo what we know. I got there right around when Rachel did. I bided my time to see what was going to be said before I started slow clapping to announce my presence, "Impressive Apollo, Chiron, and Rachel. Though I would say Artemis and I found the same this morning." I said.

"Percy your here please come with me and help me on my quest" Apollo said in a somewhat begging manner

"Apollo you know I'm a god now right, I can't really least not yet, if you find out who the other two emperors are, and depending on who they are I might be able to interfere, but it will be a stretch of rules and a war declaration" I said and Chiron got a please tell me your kidding face.

Apollo looked confused, so I gestured for Chiron to explain, he's better with history than me, "Apollo you remember how Caligula declared war on the seas" he asked Apollo, to which the former God nodded along with Rachel

Apollo didn't get it, but Rachel seemingly did and paled like Chiron, but to a lesser extent, "Ugh Apollo, how you have the domain of knowledge will be forever and always be beyond me, If Caligula lives, and he declared war against the seas, who is the current ruler of the seas" I said, and that is what made Apollo understand.

"So, you are saying if we can find out if Caligula is one of the owners of triumvirate holdings, then you are technically at war with him and by extension the company" he asked

"Yes, but I can't interfere till then, we already know Nero is one of the owners, but you need to find out the other two" I said, before leaving in a sea breeze back to the hunt, where I just found out the hunters have been tasked with hunting the Teumessian Fox.

Apollo's POV:

After Percy left, I had a sinking feeling that I may not want his help, especially knowing how he won Olympus 3 wars to date, and is probably aiming to win a victory so decisive against Caligula, that you would be mad to ever declare war on the seas. I don't even have the slightest idea of what he's planning. "So, do I have to find out who the emperors are, or can any of you help me" I asked Chiron and Rachel.

"I'm out of this fight, I have a target painted so large on my back that if I step out of camp, I fear what might happen. But, I'll try to see what I can do from here" Rachel said.

"I'll see what I can gather, and what the campers are willing to do. I'm not sure how much help the Romans will be considering it is their former emperors that they are being tasked against." Chiron said, before stepping out to probably get Leo, so I can start my prophecy.

"Apollo don't worry, you'll succeed in your quest, and Percy will probably help in anyway he can. He already came and told you of away to get his direct help" Rachel said trying to comfort me

"I'm more worried about what his direct help could mean though"

"Then don't think about it, think about the quest that lies ahead and focus on completing that" She tried to comfort

"Limerick prophecies are bad though, it scares me" 

"Then stop thinking altogether then, it's what you normally do, right" Rachel said, and damn did that hurt. I do think most of the time...alright, sometimes..., fine you got me she's right, but it still hurts.

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