Chapter 22:

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AN: I like comments and I couldn't think of a chappie title so put suggestions here, title update Friday October 9th or Saturday the 10th

Percy's POV:

Now some of you may be asking Percy why are you helping Apollo, I thought you were banned from doing so. Well, yes I am banned from helping him, but I'm also at war with the people he is questing against to free his old oracles. So, I'm not really helping him, as I am using him to help myself. Complicated I know, but just roll with it.

Anyways enough of Apollo, I have to be at the airport with Artemis in about half an hour to pick up my parents and her mother. Since there was a need to be discreet, and my mom not wanting Estella completely exposed to the immortal world, we rented an SUV to do so. 

Artemis drove because and I quote I've been around longer than the car and I saw the hoof prints on Paul's Prius. Now how she knew those were because of me, I am going to sum up to her being a goddess and she just watched it happened from the moon chariot.

It only took us half an hour to get to the airport from our camp, though we did speed most of the way there. Having parked the car somewhere close, that hopefully we won't forget. Well Artemis won't, I might though. 

Waiting by the baggage claim, was boring. There's nothing to do but sit and wait, and I could tell Artemis knew I was about to start jumping off the walls just so I have something to do. "Percy I know you still have some ADHD, but your parents plane just landed a 15 minutes ago and my mother's just landed now." she said trying to calm me and keep my ADHD in check.

Long story short that didn't work as my mom rounded the corner coming into the baggage claim just as she finished. Now I don't know what the mist did to hide this but I may have turned into a five year old and ran towards my mother, to hug her of course.  I could see her visibly sigh as she noticed it was me, I may have broken the no weird godly stuff rule already. 

I returned to my normal age and Estella looked confused as can be, so I guess she can see through the mist. "Mom she can see through the mist like you, there's only so long you can keep this from her." I stated

"Percy, I'm not going to be able to keep her from this because of you and Thalia" Mom sighed, "but I suppose if she already can see through the mist there's no point in keeping her from it"

"Can I teach her to hate my brother, just as a precaution" Artemis stated, now that my mother isn't against her knowing this world.

"Precau...really Artemis, you are going to mention that" My mom started but connected the dots.

"I wouldn't put it past him either mom, Thalia and I were already planning on doing that" I said, she looked at me like you have got to be kidding me.

"He's a lot like my father when it comes to that too" Artemis added

"I'm aware, Percy told me how many kids stay in his cabin. I just don't want to think about my daughter being with him" Mom said

"That's why she must learn" I said, as Paul returned from baggage claim with their luggage. They only had one carry-on suitcase, and one checked bag. My guess is Estella's is the carry-on and the check is what they are both sharing.

"So what must your little sister learn Percy" Paul asked

"You don't want to know, trust me" Mom said.

"Ok, so when are we going" Paul asked, and that's when I remembered I was suppose to tell them that we are also picking Leto up from the airport. 

"Well, Percy was suppose to tell you that, we are also picking up my mother. Her flight landed shortly before you arrived to the baggage claim" Artemis said glaring at me sharply.

"Sorry I'm busy between this and the war, I might have forgot" I explained, and Artemis laughed

"I'm not mad, I'm just clearing my name" Artemis said between laughs, and oof did that hurt, but I still laughed along with her because it was funny, to me at least.

"Percy why are you and my daughter laughing in the middle of baggage claim. Do you know how hard it was to find you two in here" Leto complained

"Mom, stop causing drama, you saw us right when you rounded the corner and waited for the perfect moment to enter" Artemis countered

"Touché. Now who are these three" Leto asked/demanded

"They are my mom, Sally, step dad, Paul, and little sister, Estella" I said gesturing to each.

Paul and my mom didn't know what to do as this was technically the first Titan/Titaness they ever met, but they just went for hi. "So where are we going" My mom and Leto asked at the same time, before Leto started cracking up with laughter, "it's been so long since that has happened to me, so where to children" 

"Well we can either get fast food, or wait 40-ish minutes until we get to the hunt and have some food there" Artemis stated.

"I'm fine with waiting" My mom said and Leto nodded along.

We packed up the SUV and began driving off towards the hunt. It was a quiet drive for all of five minutes, "It's been so long since I've had kids. I almost forgot how adorable they are when they are this young, but of course Hera just had to curse me" Leto went on to continue ranting about Hera and how much she hates her. Surprisingly Estella slept through it all.

We arrived at the hunt, and most of the girls were sitting by the fire, with Hestia. "We're back" Artemis said, and the hunters kidnapped my little sister heading off into one of their tents.

"Should we be worried"Paul asked

"No, she's perfectly safe" I responded,  leading them to my old tent. The only thing that changed was that there was a single bed for Estella to sleep in up against the wall. They put their suitcases down, and wanted to go check on Estella and get some food. 

When I exited I saw that the hunters still haven't brought Estella out of the tent. I looked at Artemis and she knew what I was asking. "Girls can you bring Estella out so she can eat a little before she needs to go to bed" Artemis asked from outside the tent.

"But we don't want to give her up" one of them said from inside

"Can I have my sister back please" I asked

"only if we can stay up late tomorrow" they responded. The thing is we already planned on letting them stay up later than normal. 

"Deal" Artemis said and they came out and handed me my sister, who was dressed in mini-hunter attire. 

I looked at them like really, and they ignored me. "Come on food is this way" Artemis said

Olympus Reborn Book 2: Apollo's ReturnWhere stories live. Discover now