Chapter 18: How Sally Meet Artemis

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AN: I like comments so feel free to do so. 

Sally's POV:

Paul soon finished grading assignments and said he was off to bed. He kissed my check before heading to our room and I took this time to look at the clock and saw it was way past Estella's bedtime. "Girls it's time Estella goes to bed" I said seeing that my daughter was still awake with all the attention she was getting. Some of the hunters sighed but I saw the hunter I learned is Emily pick her up and carried Estella off to her room followed by about half the hunt, and they didn't come out. So, I checked her room and saw that the hunters where spread out on her floor and Estella was in bed. I closed the door silently and thought she's probably the safest kid in the world at the moment.

When I came back into the kitchen Percy and Artemis where still there, "the girls took over my room and decided we are staying here for the night if it isn't to much trouble mom" Percy said

"I don't have a choice, at this point. They are already sleeping in Estella's room too" I said, "Now what did you two want to talk about, I know that everyone isn't here just for me to cook dinner for them" I finished

"How do you always know mom"

"well Percy I'm your mother you can't hide things from me" I said and he went red in embarrassment. "So are you two going to tell me or not" I asked

"Yes, Sally. Percy and I, well we're getting married and it is being held secretively, so only those we invite will be there, and we want your blessing for the marriage as well" Artemis said

"So I'm taking it I'm invited" I said and Percy nodded his head

"Paul and Estella can come too" He said

"Ok since it is secretive, where is it being held, and could we stay with you all in the hunt so we don't have to find a hotel" I asked

"well, to keep it away from my evil step-mother, Vegas, and yes you all can stay in Percy's old tent, and I will throw in a small bed for Estella to" Artemis said, I hugged her and said I would be honored to have her as my daughter in law. She smiled and said she couldn't have asked for a better mother in law. I gave them my blessing for the wedding, before we went into details.

They are planning it for when Apollo frees the next oracle in a week. Thankfully they are doing it on a weekend. "So I'll get tickets for us three to Vegas on a red eye for this upcoming Friday and we will leave on another red eye on Sunday, if that works on your time" I said, and they nodded. I went off to bed as they went and laid on the couch together.

I guess I should, now, tell you how I first meet Artemis, now that she's going to be my daughter in law soon, which I'm still not ready for. But I guess a mother is never truly ready for her children to leave and marry someone, especially one of the most well known maiden goddesses, from western civilization, throughout all of history.


So, I was sitting in my living room watching Estella be her happy little self. All of the sudden there was a knock at my door, and I got a little worried as I wasn't expecting anybody, to come over today, and I don't know of anyone new in the building. I went to the door and looked through the door hole to see who was there and didn't see anyone. I opened the door just to make sure and I didn't expect a five year old girl with auburn hair to fall through the opening.

"Hello" I asked her. She looked up at me with startling silver eyes, and I began to run through a list of immortals with auburn hair and silver eyes, and only came up with Artemis. Though why she is assuming the appearance of a five year old, and at my door is beyond me. "Would you like to come in Lady Artemis" I asked quietly incase anyone else was listening and she nodded her head.

I lead her over to the couch and became slightly worried because one my son is at war against his father and one of his uncles, and two Thalia is also taking part in the same war. I haven't heard anything about it for a week or so as Percy hasn't called since he came back from Atlantis. "Lady Artemis is everyone ok" I asked and she grabbed onto me like a young child would to their mother. Estella soon did the same for whatever reason she had. I started rubbing circles on both of their backs not really knowing how to handle this, as this situation does not arise in any type of parenting advice.

Once Artemis calmed down Estella did as well, and I have a feeling it could be because Artemis is technically her patron being the virgin goddess and all. "Lady Artemis would you like to tell me what's wrong now, and why you are in the form of a five year old" I asked softly. She nodded and I cover Estella's eyes and closed my own.

"Percy is...he's...he's back in the underworld" Artemis said though her sniffling. I was surprised she now looked like a young woman. "and...and my hunters are all there with him" she continued though I could tell she was upset.

"oh honey come here" I said opening my arms to hug her, and she surprisingly did so. "Now how did they get there" I asked

"alive" she said,

"He'll be back, with them you know. He's not going to leave any of them behind" I said trying to comfort her. She calmed down and I gave her some cookies and a soda. "So, Why are you upset over my son, I understand your hunters, but my son is questionable"

She looked nervous, but ultimately decided to tell me, "Because I may have been dating for about a week now. And just when I find love I might very well lose it". she started to tear up at the end, but still kept her emotions in check. "We...we predict the war is going to end soon, and New Rome fell within a day, Jason passed by the way. He said to tell them I'm sorry, and Annabeth has also passed, by my hand and Peter was incinerated by Thalia's lightening" She added on and I was upset about Jason, and I have a feeling Percy had to do it.

"So you're dating my son, " I started but was cut off by her

"Yes, and before you ask, my oath is a bit exaggerated in the stories, I only swore to remain a maiden until marriage, which my father swore never to force me into beforehand, thus I have the right to choose said person." She said and I understand she was trying to settle my nerves, "I also asked Percy to not make me go through the pain of losing him, which he agreed to." She finished and I understood, my son will out live me and become immortal, I came to peace with the possibility after his first great prophecy.

"It's fine, just take good care of him like you have been" I said and she agreed

"Oh and also I know my father already plans on offering him godhood, which it wouldn't surprise me if he denied, but I would like for you to come to Olympus for the award ceremony. So he'll have some family there" she said, and I understood Poseidon probably wasn't going to be welcomed.

"Can Paul and Estella come to" I asked and she nodded her head, and before I knew it I was on Olympus in her palace with Paul and Estella.

"Paul don't touch anything" Artemis said and Paul having no clue what it is happening listened. I explained what is going on and that we are here to support Percy. Artemis shortly came out of her room, and took us to the throne room, we stayed and talked with her until Hermes returned with everyone and poor Nico did not look too good, though I'm happy he's back along with Percy and Thalia. Artemis was happy to see them back as well.

We walked away and stayed towards the back of the crowd, until Percy was called up and the fates forced godhood upon, which I wasn't expecting and by the looks of it no one else was as well, except Zeus.

End of Flashback

That day was hectic, but I didn't have to worry about my son anymore. He took us home, before Hermes came back and said Zeus was summoning him with the other new deities. Anyways enough with the backstory.

I woke up the next morning and saw Percy and Artemis were still here so, I started making pancakes for everyone. Breakfast went by quickly and I told Percy I'll call him later with the flight details so we can be picked up at the airport, before they all left back to whatever it is they do. 

Paul, although confused, said he'll probably be tired for work on Monday, but agreed since it is Percy and he was nice enough to show up to our wedding. I told him he'll finally find out how his students feel when they are given too much homework. He laughed and we booked the flights with the extra money Percy left us so we can make it there and back.

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