Chapter 32:

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Artemis's POV:

We were still watching my brother and now he was trying to find a way off the ship. Now I would have been worried if it weren't for my husband's stupid smirk. I know he was planning something, that would likely give Apollo a heart attack, but I should be thankful as he was planning on helping my brother.

Apollo ran out and grew a look of worry before seeing the mighty vessel that was the New Roman Navy, the PAX II. "Percy, I thought we said no interfering in Apollo's quest" my father said

"What is the greater interference, though, blowing up the ship he is on, or helping him escape and be away from my operations" Percy countered, "though by the looks of it, the operations will have to be delayed by a few hours"

"Why" Aphrodite asked with dreamy eyes. That hus...deep breath Artemis remember what she and Hestia said, she's only trying to keep my relationship with Percy secret.

"First not interested Aphrodite, second interfering by directly ordering the attack that would interfere on his quest of freeing the oracles by somewhat doing that myself" Percy answered quickly, while my father just hummed in thought.

"I suppose if it is interference to provide that you don't interfere to a greater proportion it will have to be allowed" Father said in annoyance.

I turned my attention back to the screen just in time to see my brother jumping on the boat, and for the line to snap so he was not ready to do anything, "Percy" I screamed

"Wha... oh I see" Percy said and right before Apollo was about to be ran over by another boat his lurched forward and started separating from the yachts, heading towards land.

"You did not to need to scare him that much" I said

"I was distracted by your old man, sorry" Percy said to me

"Just don't do it again, I may appear to hate him but he's the only brother I have you know" I scolded and he got the message, of don't kill my brother, because that's my job.

"Hey, I'm not old" my father complained, realizing what Percy said.

"Yes you are. Now turn your attention back to Apollo and his quest, we do need to determine if he's learning his lesson or not by the end of this" Hera scolded, while father sighed turning his attention back to the screen.

I started paying attention to the screen again only to find my brother to return to the docks he was at earlier. He started walking back to the legion, but it was boring to watch and I had trouble staying up to watch.

He eventually made it back, surprisingly unobstructed just as Meg was making it back as well. Reyna came out to greet them, and I began to wonder why. 

"I'm guessing you both stayed up all night," she asked, only to receive a head nod from both.

"tell me quickly what you two both know, and I'll take you to a place where you can rest" Reyna more so demanded then asked

"well, they are attacking from the north the main portion of their ships stopped up and San Pablo bay, and started to set up camp. From what I can tell they are sending the first wave tonight, and might be sending another a couple of days from now" Meg said, and she looked like she was going to fall asleep walking by the end of it.

"And you Apollo"

"well I took this ship the PAX II" My brother started only to get slapped

"You did not have authorization to use that Apollo" Reyna scolded, "It better not have been damaged or we are both in trouble with the senate" she added on

Olympus Reborn Book 2: Apollo's ReturnWhere stories live. Discover now