Chapter 16: A Plan for the Ages

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AN: I like comments so feel free to do so. 

Percy's/Perseus's POV:

"Although it isn't my style or way of going about things, I think Percy should be allowed to finish this war that Caligula started and has dragged many others into. So, let him goto war" Hestia said casting her vote on the matter, and I have just won this vote in the most surprising way.

"Seeing that my vote won't matter now I abstain. But we need to know what Percy has already done to prepare for this war, as well as any oth..." Zeus started

"Well, so far I have assembled a surface fleet so I can do targeted destruction instead of risking the destruction of many innocents, and may or may not have a few submarines, as we have suspicions that they might have one but we don't have any proof yet" I said, to get the first part over with, as I already guessed the vote will go against my plan of remain secret.

"Do I want to know" Zeus asked and I shook my head to the negative and he sighed. "Well onto other matters then, the rules of engagement concerning Percy's use of ground forces, as I don't think we can stop his naval fleet plan, Artemis's addition into the war, and if Hephaestus is allowed to supply Percy's forces with weapons and ordinance" Zeus finished

"well I vote no on allowing him to use ground forces and I think he should get rid of his fleet" Hera said

"Well if it goes your way Hera, you can tell Clarisse that all the prep work she's done can be put on the shelf and that she can't use the Navy, we've assembled. I vote for full use of my fleet and to be allowed to be unleashed so I can chase them across the country if need be" I said

"Let's just vote on the fleet use first" Zeus exasperated, "Which I vote yes on"

"I'm in favor of the fleet use, it could even help us in future endeavors" Artemis said

"i'm in favor, I'll also perform some upgrades to them, once the war is over and make repairs if need be" Hephaestus said in support, which will take some of the stress off of Tyson for maintaining my collection.

"The fleet makes sense why we didn't make and keep one earlier is beyond me" Hermes said

"Let him use it, it will keep him from summoning storms and risking the lives of innocents" Hestia said

The rest favored it by just saying I already had the fleet so what's the point of not using it. "Ok now on to if Percy should be allowed to wage war out of his domain of the sea" Zeus said

"I'm in support"  Artemis said and that was the only vote of support I had on the matter, that wasn't my own. 

Now came the real argument of the day, which we spent hours on, if Artemis Should be allowed to join. Artemis and I were arguing in favor, obviously, while are main opposition came from Hera. "One of her hunter's were kidnapped and beaten as I'm sure that all of you who came here to view Apollo's quest saw. That hunter has a younger sister, by means of her now deceased adoptive parents. She has cared for her younger sister ever since her adoptive parents died, and she doesn't allow anyone to say that she isn't her sister either. But to top it all off one of the hunters was ambushed while in the line of duty making it a direct attack against my hunt and myself, as I am their patron" Artemis argued, the only problem was that this hunter was a child of Athena and descendant of Apollo, so this drove away some support.

"I don't think that warrants the hunt and yourself being placed into Percy's war with Caligula you have your hunter back so why does it matter anyway" Hera said

"I think you all are missing the point here that Perseus and Artemis have been making for the past five hours" Hestia said, " A hunter of Artemis was attacked, by an unprovoked enemy, and then beaten by said enemy. Artemis has every right to be mad about her huntress's capture. She could have been forced into breaking her oath, which would possibly forever separate her from her little sister, or she could have died, which would also separate her from her little sister, and other sisters she gains from being in the hunt. It is not only an offense against Artemis but the domain of family as it was an action to break apart, and hurt a family" Hestia stated, and I know we have at least three votes now

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