Chapter 34:

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Apollo's POV:

Thankfully we didn't get caught by Caligula's boats and we made our escape back to New Rome. I would say that the hike was fun but there was just so many weapons to carry that it was really tiring, and boring. 

We eventually came up on the increased patrols and were quickly detained by the legion until Reyna came, and let us go back to Ella's bookshop place. "So, I am taking it your mission was a success" she asked, and I simply nodded. 

"good I'll inform the senate that you have successfully retrieved the oracle's prison, and that we are only waiting for you to figure out how to open it." She said beginning to walk away from us. "Oh and Apollo I suggest you be quick about it, the 7th is tomorrow and we are expecting the main attack to happen then but thus far it's only been a couple of scouts that the patrols have spotted"

She completely left us there after that, "so we likely only have till tomorrow to open and free this oracle so we can get some oracley help" Meg said

Tyson seemed to be pondering this as we were arriving at Ella's bookstore, "we should get some rest first it has been a long night and hike back to the legion" he said before leaving to head off to his bedroom, I think. Meanwhile, I went to the couch and Meg went to the spare bedroom for some rest before we tried figuring out how to open the oracle's jar, which I am not looking forward to now.

Line Break: We still haven't been able to find time skip. Curse your wretched singing Apollo

I woke with a start and it felt like it was about lunch time. I walked over to the spare bedroom to knock on the door and hopefully annoy Meg into waking up.  "Stop knocking and let me go back to sleep dammit" she yelled, I kept knocking. 

Eventually, she threw one of her swords at the door and it came through it partially, scaring the crap out of me. Moments later she came out and looked murderously at me, "there better be a good reason for waking me Apollo"

"Lunch???" I said like I wasn't sure if it was the correct answer. 

"fine we can go get some food" she said annoyed to be up. She grabbed my wrist and started dragging me away to the cafe across the street. She threw me down into a seat, and told me to sit and be a good boy and she might allow me to get an ice cream afterwards.

"Am I some sort of little kid to you" I asked off handedly not meaning for her to hear me

"Well, you act like one so I'm not sure if you are or not" she replied leaving to head to the counter to place an order for the both of us. I looked around and saw that Tyson and Ella were coming out of her shop and started walking towards us. 

"Tyson said you were annoying meg and she dragged you out of the store and over here" Ella said, and I nodded looking at her and Tyson wondering how Tyson knew.

"I was hungry" I said, and Ella sighed

"You could have went by yourself you know" she said annoyed at me for annoying Meg.

 "Hey Tyson and Ella, did you think of anyways to open up the oracles jar" Meg asked coming back with a cup of coffee and a glass of water. She place the water in front of me and I looked down thinking I should have told her what I wanted to eat.

"We have a few ideas, but they may not work, if there's a magical seal which there likely is" Tyson said sitting down as Ella went off to order something too.

"well hopefully we figure it out soon so we can be ready for the attack that Reyna thinks will be coming tomorrow" I said as a waiter came out and placed food in front of meg and a singular piece of bread in front of me. I am really wishing I told her what to order for me, but I have a feeling that wouldn't have changed anything.

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