Chapter 8: Apollo Gets An Arrow

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Percy's POV:

You know how I said we were discussing the attack on camp, well that lasted all of 5 seconds before Zeus started showing us an image of Apollo, somewhere in the woods. I'm just going to guess it is somewhere near camp, maybe in it, but I have no clue where he is. "As much as I and I am certain others would like to see Apollo's misfortune. You do know there is a giant automaton attacking camp right now correct, all mighty lord drama queen" I said

"Hey" Zeus shouted indignantly.

Hera shook her head, probably not believing she agreed to marry this idiot, "Well at least we all know how you view yourself now" I stated simply, while watching Apollo trying to talk a young girl out of doing something she was told to do. 

I looked at Artemis, because I could tell that this girl was abused, at least mentally, by whoever told her to do, whatever it is that Apollo is trying to convince her not to do. "Uh who is that with them" I asked, because I didn't recognize the one fat dude, or the two buff guys with him.

"Two Germani and Nero" Hermes replied

I began to think, and yes I know not to hurt myself. "Wait isn't Nero suppose to be dead" I asked. Truly curious of if they are going to answer me or not. 

"well, have you heard of the concept of a god emperor" Zeus asked

"Nope" I said popping the 'p'

"well, the Romans, the crazy bastards they are, called their emperors, god emperor. It was demanded of them by a few such as Nero. Well, this caused them to gain immortality, but not godhood. Most faded in the dark ages, and we lost track of the ones that didn't live on Olympus" Zeus stated

"So, I'm guessing Nero didn't live on Olympus then" I asked and he just shook his head no, and I began to wonder why the paranoid Zeus didn't stop this, but remember he was probably Jupiter back then. 

"So, who survived and lives on Olympus" I asked

"Augusts, Trajan, and Hadrian live here and survived. The others died or we don't know where they are. It's completely possible that Nero is the only other one left" Zeus stated before focusing again on Apollo's situation.

I started to pay attention as well, and just in time to hear what seemed to be the end of Apollo's conversation.  "Meg you don't have to listen to him, you can choose to head a different path" Apollo pleaded. 

"You know I don't have a choice Apollo, open the grove...that's an order" Meg said, with what liked tears coming down her face. Apollo surprisingly obeyed her, and opened the grove. 

Not even a second later Nero threw a torch into the grove, catching it on fire, "Now that wasn't so hard was it Apollo" Nero said. When he was beginning to exit. Meg though ran into the grove for what purpose I do not know.

"Oh and before I forget, burn the demigods, Apollo didn't do as asked" Nero said before disappearing into the woods leaving the Germani, Apollo and a bunch of tied up demigods at the stake only left on screen. 

The Germani started making their way to the demigods and Apollo stood in between them and the brutes, quite defiantly, if I say so myself. Apollo was then smacked across the small clearing by one of them, before they continued on their way to the imprisoned demigods. Apollo got back up and in a move of which surprised me, killed the Germani, using his divine form, but he looked tired after its use.

I looked over to Zeus, and only saw him smile knowingly, and I began to think about what just happened. "You set conditions for him using his powers didn't you" I asked Zeus, who just shrugged, but kept the smile. 

"Oh and you all are forbidden from telling him anything, about the conditions that Percy may have figured out" Zeus said just realizing he still had the smile. 

My guess is that the condition is if Apollo is selflessly risking his life to save others, knowing that Zeus probably wouldn't allow it if only Apollo was in danger, and because Apollo needs to be taught a lesson on being selfless. 

The next thing I saw were some myrmekes coming out from where Apollo did and start taking the recently freed demigods back to camp, by flying. "No wonder why I didn't get along with them. They can fly" I stated in a eureka like manner, which got a few laughs from Hermes.

Apollo, however, went into the grove to presumably search for Meg and he found her laying on the ground in what looks like to be pain, though why I do not know. I kept watching and saw that Apollo went to a tree that I am guessing is in the middle of the grove as it is the largest, and he put a wind chime on it, only for a prophecy to be stated, and for Apollo to receive an arrow made of the tree's wood, via magic voodoo that I don't understand and it doesn't look like any of the second generation Olympians do either.

I'm pretty sure I heard a mumbled mother from Zeus, but I don't really know why. "Uh how many oracles are there" I asked, as I am pretty sure the new prophecy mentioned another oracle. 

"There's only 5 that remain including Delphi" Artemis stated rather quickly.

I started watching again and saw that Apollo was taking Meg back to camp, on one of the flying ants I presume is the queen as this one is much much bigger than the last. She sets them down at the edge of the forest to camp, and Apollo just now takes notice of the giant automaton attacking camp. 

To simplify Apollo's abuse, he takes a few shots at the automaton and mostly misses. While some shots do hit they do roughly nothing. when he was about half way through his quiver The barrier went down. Apollo got picked up on the flying chariot when he only had two arrows left the one from the grove, and another one emitting this sickening glow. He was about to use the one from the grove, but shook his head and decided to use the other one.

Now, whoever was driving the chariot, was the definition of a demigod, meaning they had a death wish. They drove up really close to the head somehow dodging a hand trying to swat them away and Apollo shot an arrow into the automaton's eye. Which caused it to fall back into the sea as I sent a wave to hammer the back of its knees , before it completely left my domain.

Apparently that was the wrong thing to do, "What" I asked seeing Zeus's glare. "It's not like I am going to allow the splashy wave to be seen by mortals" I explained, but he still didn't stop his glare, because I guess that is enough to be considered interference by him. 

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