Chapter 33: getting the Jar

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AN: Sorry this took so long to write but between finals and me cursing at my keyboard because it's time to replace it. I've been trying to finish this, but I'm an expert in procrastination and I don't really have a comfortable place to work at in my parents home but I have been making do. So please forgive me on that matter. I should however by sometime late this week or early next have my keyboard replaced in my laptop so that shouldn't be a problem anymore, and sometime later next week I think I'll be back to having comfortable working conditions. Thanks for the support and I know I have kind of dropped the ball with my time table and such so please for give me, but I am still looking to have this finished before the new year

Apollo's POV:

Reyna was telling me about how the senate meeting to get me help in getting the oracle went, as well, telling me that I had to choose between Tyson and Leo to come help me. I choose to ask Tyson first because he has strength and it should be easy for him to carry the jar out of the ship and to land by himself. He mumbled something that looked like 'sorry brother' before accepting and deciding to come along. 

Reyna bided us well, and went to go lead the legion through some exercises, I think. "I'll start getting some things we will need for the journey" Tyson said before heading out to a backroom. 

However once he left Ella glared at me, "you better bring him back, he's only here for a couple of weeks before he leaves for a few months to work on his brother's palace" she said, before leaving through the same door as Tyson.

"What was that about" I asked, and I swear if it wasn't for how long I've known Meg, the look she was giving me would have me running to the hills to save my life. She ended up slapping me, before saying, " Tyson is her boyfriend and she has a limited amount of time with him, before he has to go back to work for a few months with only seeing each other through IM" 

I still didn't understand completely, but I figured it be better not ask for her to explain to me considering the look. Luckily Tyson came out from wherever he went, but now he was looking scared, "let me guess she told you to not die on her" Meg said and Tyson nodded.

"We should get going the quicker we get this done the quicker my brother sinks Caligula's fleet" Tyson said opening the door for us to leave. I nodded in agreement and followed Meg out of the door, though I am beginning to wonder what Percy's plan is to destroy Caligula's fleet is.

We began walking to the exit just to see a legionnaire coming our direction and raising the alarm for an attack. Meg, Tyson, and I raced forward and began fighting to delay their forces a little as Reyna gets the legion formed up behind us. "How long do you think we'll have to hold them" I asked, quickly getting overwhelmed with the numbers.

"It shouldn't be long, Reyna has been getting the legion in shape for most of the past year" Tyson shouted back.

I stood fighting for what felt like a few more minutes with the others, before I heard Reyna ordering for a charge from somewhere. A few seconds after that the pressure was released, as many of the people I was fighting split off to go fight the legion.

I started battling my way through the enemy lines hoping to break up their organization up to make them easier targets for the legion. I don't know how long I have been fighting but the enemies left seem to be less and less, before they get to none left and I start hearing cheers rise up around me.

"ALRIGHT EVERYONE SETTLE DOWN" Reyna shouted out and the legion became silent, "thank you. Yes Apollo may have done a good job just now but this was only the first attack from our enemies. He also has much work left to do before the attacks end so we must let him go and do said work" Reyna stated simply, and much of the legion seemed to understand. 

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