Chapter 30:

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AN: Sorry for how long it took for me to release another chapter, but I has my parents visit, and then had a few papers and other big assignment due throughout, and top that off with nearing and finishing the first book of my other series, it delayed my work on this one, however, once classes finish this will be my sole focus, and should be completed mid-December at the Latest. Thanks for everyone who is reading the support means a lot. 

Also please comment, I enjoy responding to and seeing them  

Artemis's POV:

If you ever told me that I would get married and pregnant within a week of each other, I would have never believed you, even now I find it hard to believe. But here I am just waking up after falling asleep to a movie, I just watched with my husband, Percy, and our adoptive daughters/my hunters. "Did you sleep well" I heard my husband asked

"I'm a bit uncomfortable with three different bodies sprawled over us" I said, "Is this how it feels when I use you as a pillow"

"nah, I find that comfortable" He responded, "Though I suppose if these girls want to eat and be trained, so they can blow up ships, they should be heading to the mess hall right now" And all of the sudden after he finished that sentence our room was cleared, with no evidence of them even being in there.

"So what am I supposed to do today, besides head to Olympus to return a mirror and watch my brother on his stupid quest"

"Make sure Hermes, comes to get me. I have something planned for him" He responded

"Why" I asked

"because it will be funny"

"Fine I'll help but I am to not receive any blow back from this" I said getting up slowly to leave.

I immediately got the urge to throw up after stand and ran over to the sink to throw up again. I hate being pregnant so much right now, all it is, is tiring and throwing up for me so far and I don't like being/doing either of those things. "Percy, I really hate throwing up" I said after I was finished doing so.

"Pretty sure everyone does, but we should be heading to breakfast now" He said 

"carry me" I asked, more like stated

Percy came over for me to hop on his back, and I would prefer bridal style but with the narrow doorways, I don't want to be hitting my head. "Thank you" I whispered into his ear.

Percy started carrying me off to where I hope is the mess hall because I am actually hungry at the moment. During our trip, he carried me outside, and I looked around since it was technically my first time seeing his entire fleet, "Uhh Percy"


"Why did you bring so many ships" 

"Because I wanted too" 

I sighed knowing he's not going to answer much pass that. Thankfully though the mess hall isn't incredibly far away. Percy carried me in there and the girls were being surprisingly neat and quick eating. "what did you girls do wrong" I asked

"They want to blow up Caligula's precious yachts, and Percy told them, before you woke up, that if they aren't trained on their stations they wouldn't be allowed to" Thalia said, "so they want to be quick and neat so they can have as much time for training that they need"

"Is this all that I need to tell you to get you all to train more" I asked, and most nodded their heads, before diving right back into their food. 

Percy sat me down at the table with them before going off to get both of us food. "Girls you do realize I have to go after food right" I said 

"why" Raily complained

Olympus Reborn Book 2: Apollo's ReturnWhere stories live. Discover now