Chapter 36:

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Percy's POV:

"I would of thought that emperor who's been dead for thousands of years would be smarter" Reyna sassed, "did you not see the planes that killed over three quarters of your army" Caligula started growling at Reyna, obviously pissed at her statement, "do you honestly think the gods are with you" she continued

"The gods are most certainly not with you as they are forbidden from interfering" Caligula said, and I started cracking up laughing because he forgot about his declaration of war against the sea.

"are you sure that a certain sea god isn't interfering" Reyna proposed

"Neptune ...ha...he's to weak and scared to come after me he would never make a move against me" 

"I wasn't talking about him, that weakling god was killed by his demigod son. not to mention that son and one of Neptune's immortal daughters destroyed his armies and took over his domain.  Neptune was replaced by the demigod son of his, and well let's just say he's far less forgiving to threats to his family" Reyna said bringing her sword down in a slash at Caligula which he blocked

"What do you mean, Neptune is surely still alive, he wouldn't have loss to his own son...demigod or not" Caligula bluffed, probably hoping that Reyna would believe him.

"Really you think I am stupid enough to believe that especially since Neptune's replacement blessed me. Right now his fleet is moving in to position to blow up your puny stupid yachts nothing will be left of your forces and soon your triumvirate will fall and Python will be left unprotected" Reyna said maneuvering her sword to form a deep cut through Caligula's chest

I looked around and notice no-one was paying attention to me so I told Clarisse to allow the hunt to open fire upon Caligula's fleet. Before looking back at Reyna and Caligula's fight, "Lies, my fleet will obliterate this upstarts fleet. His ships will burn till there is nothing but ash left of them" shouted dear old Caligula, I would feel sorry for him but he declared war on my domain.

However, I felt Artemis tense up a little at his statement so I leaned over and told her not to worry. And seconds after I finished telling her not to worry, multiple explosions were heard in the distance, and huge plumes of smoke began to rise up in the distance on the screen, "Are you sure your fleets is ok" Reyna sassed Caligula one last time, before he screamed and raised his sword above his head. Which was a mistake as Reyna quickly stabbed him through the chest instantly killing him. "Pathetic" she said to his corpse before running back into the fight. 

Zeus and the others, barring Artemis finally came out of their shock as a second round of explosions sounded and more smoke raised in the distance. Zeus took one look at me and saw my smirk and ordered Iris to show us where the explosions were coming from. 

The Image split again and showed Thalia standing on the bridge laughing like a mad man as the main batteries went off again. "I thought we voted on the hunt not helping you Percy" zeus said in a sneer for Artemis and I daring to defy orders.

"Look Zeusy you've had Artemis and myself stuck up here for like 4 days and my fleet split into two task forces a day later or so. Which is plenty enough time for the hunt to go out on their own and decide to commandeer one of my ships, but am I going to complain no because they aren't hindering operations" I said, which only seemed to piss him off more

"Percy does make a great point, if the hunt is acting on their own without their lady's approval then neither Percy or Artemis is at fault brother" Hestia said, "we did after all not forbid Thalia from aiding him, only Artemis" 

Artemis and I gave a thankful look to Hestia as I know I wouldn't be able to come up with that excuse. Zeus left the throne room in a raged fit, and I could hear his breathing from outside, but Hera was glaring at me, "you should really stop angering him, I know that commandeering story is a lie"

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