Chapter 5: Percy Needs Ideas

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AN: sorry but this is a little short, shorter than the others too, I think

Percy's POV:

You know that meeting I mentioned not too long ago. Well I hope you do, because I can't even begin to describe how boring it was. Now, I have no clue what Zeus's definition of entertainment is, but it most certainly doesn't align with mine. I mean yeah is it funny to watch Apollo stumble around as a mortal, maybe. Does it provide great blackmail material, absolutely. But is it entertaining, no, not in any single definable way was it entertaining, even the portion in which my mom was in was not entertaining, though the face Apollo made when she told him the news was hilarious. 

Anyways, I'm delving too far into Apollo's misfortune. We were now onto the progress of all the new gods, and un-ironically Frank has made the least amount of progress, with Thalia not doing a whole lot better, but still a considerable amount better. As for me, I'm "nearly" done and am the farthest advanced slightly in front of Clarisse, Hazel, and surprisingly Chris. We all expected Hermes to slack, but apparently he's not slacking.

If you want a shortened version well, Zeus bragged about being the best teacher. I roasted him, he got mad, Hera scolded him, and he left. Only for Frank to show off what he learned from Hestia and Hazel, in which he is on par with Thalia. Which only seemed to piss Thalia off as Artemis and I laughed at her because if she listened in the beginning she would be far more ahead of Frank.

Which leads me to where I am now, from what we watched of Apollo's punishment, my Mom, Paul, and Estella will be away for a little while, so no visiting them, even though I want to. But on the other hand Artemis's birthday is coming up, as well as me being (un)officially apart of the hunt for a year, and I have no clue what to give Artemis for her birthday. I mean, you try to think of something to give a person who's been around for a few thousand years and some change.

Time skip: Next morning

I'm alone for the day as Thalia asked for a full day of training with Artemis. So, going back to my earlier conundrum, I decided to go to Athena's Library, and one mess everything up, two set up a few pranks for her for whenever she comes back, and lastly, but most importantly, see if there is anything to give me an idea of what I could give Artemis for her Birthday.

After painting Athena's study the brightest pink anyone could ever find, even brighter than Aphrodite's Palace, and setting up like five different pranks in there, I left wanting to do that last part and just looked around the room. I found some ancient scrolls that were interesting, but got no ideas so I left, to do some thinking in a more peaceful place.

I teleported to a cliffside overlooking the sea, that Artemis first showed me. I found it calming to just be there for some reasons, it also allowed me to have a clear thought process. I began thinking back to the ceremony were I was more or less forced to become a god. Something was bothering me though, when stating my symbols they didn't mention riptide, but mentioned my other sword retirement

Why would they do that, I've used riptide longer and had a greater connection to that than I did retirement. Though I have been noticing that I've been preferring the younger blade nowadays. My thinking, only lead to me checking to see if I can determine the loyalty of an inanimate object. With riptide I didn't notice anything to out of the ordinary, the sword is loyal to me, but it is more loyal to it's missing creator, Zoë, which I don't really mind. 

I guess that makes some sense of why it's not my symbol of power, but I am still left with questions. I decide to head back to camp so I am not late for dinner, and more importantly not arriving later than Artemis.






Luckily I arrived a few minutes earlier than Artemis, and was able to avoid her glare for being late. The only thing is I would have been in the clear if it weren't for the hunters saying I was gone most of the day. 

"Let me explain, Please" I asked Artemis, seeing her glare at me and only move her hand in a go on motion. "Well first I was slightly bored so I went and set up a prank for Athena for whenever she comes back. Then I got bored again and decided to test my domain of loyalty over an inanimate object, which just so happened to be my two primary swords" I said truthfully, trying to avoid her glare.

"Am I going to have to find something to entertain you everyday" She asked annoyed still glaring at me. 

I had to try real hard here to not sass, but responded that it may very well be possible. "You know you're impossible right" She said. I took a moment to make it appear as if I was thinking about it before saying my response, "Yeah, I'm pretty aware of that. My ADHD didn't fully go away, but it is reduced from what it was" Thalia and the rest of the hunt started laughing, as Artemis started to pale that even I admit that I am impossible. 

Once, the laughter died down, we went off to have the usual dinner of deer, rabbit/hare, and whatever else they find to go with it. 

The next few days I spent thinking of what I could give Artemis for her birthday, but I could only really come up with taking her out on a dinner and movie date. I know it sounds cheesy as can be, but she hardly has time off, so I figure it may be nice for her to have said time off.   

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