Chapter 26: A Flight to San Fransisco

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Apollo's POV:

I was heading back to Meg's old place, with Herophile, Meg and Grover. We tried getting Piper before we left to free my oracle but her dad said she was off camping with some friends for one last time before she moved away. I wonder who she's camping with because the only friends of her's that I know are Percy, Frank, Hazel, and Leo, and maybe Thalia.

Grover was driving us while Herophile was doing her best to help me understand the next prophecy which I have loosely put together I think. Grover pulled up and I saw that Herophile looked happy at seeing the place so I have to talk to Meg about allowing her to stay here, it will most certainly be better than the cave she used to reside in.

The nature spirts welcomed us back home and celebrated that. The next morning I woke up early and wondered who was covering my sun duties. I don't know how long I was looking at the sunrise, but Meg came up behind me, "I used to love this place you know" she spoke sounding depressed. " dad built, and it was mostly burnt down by Caligula, and now the same thing is happening to your friend Piper" she finished off

"I wouldn't say she's a friend more of a co-worker" I stated, "Once I get my quest done and return to godhood" I added, on remembering I'm not technically a god at the moment. "Which reminds me, if she wishes will you allow my oracle to stay here. It's nice seeing her out of her cave again and well, I'll be honest in saying I truly thought she had faded, even with Piper's and Gover's intel"

"she can stay if she wants I wouldn't mind" Meg said, "i'm not planning on coming back either it holds to many bad memories for me"

"thanks" I said and went off to tell Herophile.

Line Break

After telling Herophile, and well asking her to stay instead of heading back to her cave, she agreed to stay here. "You know you have to goto New Rome now right" Grover said

"Yeah, but where will you go" I asked

"Back to CHB, I need to see some friends and I'm going to talk to Percy " Grover said

"oh ok" I mumbled I can't believe he doesn't want to travel with me and my awesomeness. 

"I'll be driving you to Piper's. She's convinced her father to allow the last flight of their personal plane to be taking by you, though I feel she just didn't want to have to ask Zeus for permission to fly" Grover said and I nodded somewhat in understanding.


Grover dropped us off at Piper's and her dad looked at me and Meg strangely, "weren't you two here recently, with that Grover person" He asked us

"Yes Mr.McLean and thanks for allowing us to use your plane" Meg responded

"No problem, it's just my father and I are all new to this and well, it's hard" Mr. McLean said

"It's alright dad, I'll help you understand" Piper said rather warmly and softly.

"You told him" I asked

"Yes, how else am I suppose explain why I don't want to fly. Like seriously how was I supposed to explain when I never had a problem with it before. I just determined it would be easier to explain it to him" Piper responded

"Can you explain why you can't fly again, because I am still confused as to why" Mr. McLean said

"Because, the laws of which I have to follow now forbid me from entering a certain someone's domain without asking for permission. And I don't want to ask permission because it just so happen to be my ex's father I would have to ask" She explained

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