Chapter 1: School And A Prank

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Percy's POV:

I have been a God for about a day. Ok, 12 hours, 34 minutes, and 45 seconds to be exact. Things were going well thus far, but today Zeus has called Clarisse, Chris, Frank, Hazel, Piper, Thalia, and myself to the council, even though two of us are on it. I wonder why he wants all of us. Oh please tell me I haven't violated a law already. And what have I done, that the others would also do, or did we all break separate laws?

"Percy have you paid attention to a word I have just said," Zeus asked, did I forget to mention I was already here with the others. Well, I guess I just told you.

"Yes," I said, but he just glared at me. "Fine I wasn't listening, but if you already knew that then why did you ask," I said. Hermes started laughing, and I looked around at the other gods and saw them trying to suppress their own laughter. 

"I'm up for an annoyed eternal life now am I?" Zeus asked

"It's certainly possible" I responded. Zeus sighed and rubbed his temples, mumbling something like why does he have to have sass as a domain.

"Anyways," Zeus said coming out from his head rubbing, "Percy, I was saying that you need to have a teacher to teach you about godhood and the powers that come along with it. You can choose anyone from our side of things" He finished. I assume he means from our side of Poseidon's war.

"Do the others need a teacher as well" I asked

"Yes, but Aphrodite already said she is teaching her daughter, and Hermes is claiming to teach his son since they are both messengers"

"Cool," I said

"So who do you choose," Zeus asked me

"Aww, you mean I get to choose first," I said

"Yes," Zeus stated annoyed, looking about ready to test methods of getting me to shut up.

"Well of course I am going to choose the best and greatest teacher to teach me," I said, looking at Artemis.

"Thanks, nephew, but you don't have to go to such lengths of complimenting me," Zeus said, while Hera faced palmed because he set himself up, in such a great way that I couldn't just let it slide.

"Oh I wasn't talking about you," I said, and Zeus went red from what I don't know, jk it's probably anger and embarrassment, " I choose Artemis. She taught me how to use a bow and thus doing something previously thought impossible" I finished up looking at Artemis to see her blushing slightly, "That is if she will agree to teach me yet again"  

"I'll teach you, Percy," Artemis said with a smile on her face.

"Fine Frank, who do you choose," Zeus asked looking at me like he was annoyed, and already ready to quit because of my antics. What am I supposed to do sass is my domain, I can't ignore it. 

"If it is not too much trouble Lord Zeus, I would prefer you to teach me," Frank said, and Zeus's red face lessened

"See Percy at least someone wants me to teach them" Zeus taunted me

"Never said I didn't want you to teach me anything, I just said I wanted the best" I sassed

"Why you..." Zeus started but got cut off by Hera

"Clarisse Who would you like to teach you about godhood," Hera asked, surprisingly kindly for her too. 

"If it is possible, I would like milord's sister, Kymopoleia, to teach me," she said, to which Kym appeared.

"Percy is she the one you choose as your lieutenant," Kym asked me

"Yes she is" I responded, to which Kym started looking at her as if she was inspecting her for something

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