Chapter 22

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A/N: Again, it gets worse before it gets better, right? Please don’t hate me.


“They’ll comprehend when you find the right melody, what does that mean? Can you explain please? We’ll understand once you find your identity, that’s whatcha mean, it’s like 1,2,3 aww yeah, yeah, yeah, I was all alone in my cocoon, I had gotten (so comfy in my solitude), until one day I opened up in a way, that changed my shit, and I’ll never be the same… thank you bravery” -Durand Bernarr

After we got home, our family doctor was there waiting for us, and he immediately got to work on my hand. Unfortunately, I did sprain my wrist so I would need to wear a brace, but thankfully my cuts were only surface wounds so I wouldn’t need stitches.  After he cleaned my wounds and put a special cream on it to help the scars heal faster, he redressed my wounds and put the brace on. It hurt like hell the whole time but I took it like a G, and once he finished, he gave me everything I needed for the next two weeks to help with the healing process. He also gave me a prescription for the pain, but I knew I wasn’t going to use it, I don’t like putting heavy drugs like that in my body. Besides, painkillers are crazy addictive and these are my formative years, if I get hooked on those now, with the way my life is set up who knows when I’ll recover.

Ain’t nobody got time for that.

Also, since I’ve been home, I had finally reunited with my dad, but he wasn’t all like, “Kill the fattest calf, for the prodigal daughter has returned,” type energy like I thought it would be; actually, I don’t know what I was expecting, but what I got wasn’t it. Yes, he was happy to see me, but I could feel this awkward, looming layer of tension between us, like he didn’t know how to approach me, it was almost like I had never left to be honest. The whole time the doctor was working on my hand he just sat back in the corner, watching intently, but when the doctor was almost finished he got up and left because he needed to go to the office, but not before telling me that we would talk later, which I was looking forward to because it was a long time coming. I could tell he was genuinely happy that I was back home, but I could tell that there was something else of more importance going on in his mind, probably the whole situation with Brooklyn, which I still didn’t really know too much about, and with everyone acting the way they were I knew it was beyond bad. I wanted to find out what happened and I was about to ask, but Mama insisted that I take something for my wrist, so the doctor gave me a mild pain killer which made me drowsy, so I decided to wait until later to ask June when he came back home, because I knew he would give me all the details and not leave anything out.

I went up to my room, and once my head hit the pillow I was out like a light. I was sleeping so good too, until I was woken up by June’s whisper-yelling.

“No, no, no! Pink! Pink is the imposter, not me! Ugh! I hope they get you next,” I heard him grumble, followed by a soft thud. I turned over to find June laid out on my beanbag now looking back at me.

I groaned as I sat up, rubbing the sleep out of my eyes, “How long have I been sleep, and what are you doing in my room?” I asked.

“I don’t know how long you’ve been sleep, you were asleep when I came in, and I’ve been here for about thirty minutes now, you was out like a light so I was gonna let you sleep for a little while longer before I woke you but I got bored so I decided to play Among Us, but I lost. And I’m hiding out in here. I left work because I couldn’t take it anymore, so I snuck out and came back here since I knew no one would think to find me here. Well, maybe Mama, but until then I’m just buying time,” he replied.  I looked to my side, seeing my phone and I grabbed it, turning it on to see what time it was. I saw that it was just a little past 5 pm. My eyes widened in surprise. Damn, I’ve been knocked out all afternoon, “I think today’s the day I’m going to talk to Dad and tell him I don’t want to work at the company anymore, and that I want to pursue cooking. I would have done it a long time ago but I wanted to make sure I had my plan and at least two backup plans set, as well as save enough money to live off of in case all hell broke loose and he decides to disown me,” he finished and I gave him a look.

The Middle ChildOnde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora