Chapter 4

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“Oh my darling I am getting closer, hold on tight, And I, know it hasn’t been so easy, I’m fighting for my life, I could be a warrior, there’s no need to worry love, look around it’s glorious, close your eyes and taste the sun, you know where to find me, and I know where to find you, inside the light!” -Chloe x Halle

Once I walked into the office, I headed straight towards the office I spend the majority of my free time in whenever I can. The people in the office know me and know I always come here so they never say anything, they just nod their heads at me in a greeting, which I always return with a smile and I keep it moving. I did my signature knock on Ms. Jones’s door before walking in, “Goooooood Morning, my favorite guidance counselor in the whole wide world!” I said excitedly. Ms. Jones turned her chair to face me and excitedly squealed before getting up and walking over me to give me the biggest hug.

“Sasha! Oh my gosh, I know it’s only been a few months but it never fails to amaze me how much older you look every year! How was your Summer? I missed you,” she said as she pulled away and sat at the edge of her desk. Ms. J is so cool, she's more like an older sister to me than a Counselor. She's still pretty young because she graduated school at a young age, she's always been a young scholar. That's why she's so dope and the best at what she does, and everyone loves her. Guidance counselors do more than counsel and guide, they help prepare you for the next level of life post high school, that's a pretty big deal to me.

I sat down in my favorite spot in her office, a big beanbag in the corner of the room, frankly I think I’m the only reason why she has it in her because she knows it’s my favorite place to sit. Nobody else sits in it but me, it’s almost like an unspoken rule.

“Uh, well it was the same old, same old, you know, I kept to myself, and I stacked my paper, you know nothing has changed,” I said jokingly, but she wasn’t laughing.

Ms. Jones sighed and shook her head, “Now Sasha, you know that does not make me happy to hear that. You can’t keep falling into the same pattern. There’s nothing fun about that. You need to venture out, try new things. You can’t just wait until you graduate and move across country to do that, because then it seems like you’re running away and you’re waiting until the first chance you get to jump off the porch,” she said.

Now one thing about Ms. Jones, is that she’s from the south, and what she lacks in a southern accent she makes up for with her southern phrases and euphemisms. Sometimes I don’t have a clue what she's saying, and other times for reasons unknown I understand what she's talking about. Today happens to be one of those days.

I laughed, “I assure you Ms. J I’m not trying to jump off the porch or anything. I think you will be happy to know that this morning I got some revelations on a few things and now I’m going to turn over a new leaf, start fresh and new, and go about things differently. I have a new outlook on life,” I said proudly.

She gave me a surprised look, “Oh really? Please, do tell, what brought on this new outlook?” she asked as she folded her arms, interested in my answer.

I grinned, “I am going to try to be more present and active with my family, not be in the background so much. But may I add, emphasis on the word try,” I pointed out.

Ms. J looked up, nodding at my words. She stood, “Ok, well hey like the great philosophic duo OutKast once said, ‘You need to get up get out and get something, how will you make it if you never even try?’,” she said shrugging as she went over to her seat, “I’m glad you’re taking chances, this is what I like to see! Now your family can see just how awesome and amazing you are and now you can feel take the steps to feeling like you belong,” she said, optimism laced in her tone.

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