Chapter 27

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A/N: This time around I want song of this chapter to be like a backdrop for the entire chapter, like a scene in a movie, when a song is playing in the background? I want to have that effect.


No POV (If I do Omniscient, I’ll have to include everybody and I’m not trying to do that)

“I know you’ve got a little life in you left, I know you’ve got a lot of strength left, I should be cryin’ but I just can’t let it show, I should be hopin’ but I can’t stop thinking, all the things we should have said that we never said, all the things we should’ve done but we never did, all the things we should’ve given, but I didn’t, oh Darlin’, make it go, make it go away” -Maxwell

Five minutes before…(Like right after Michelle left the kitchen)

The second Michelle walked out of the kitchen, Bey’s angry façade crumbled as she fought the urge to break down crying. She was feeling so many things and it was overwhelming her. She was angry that Michelle isolated herself from her the way she did, she was angry that she left without putting up much of a fight, she was hurt that they had even got to this point, she was confused as to why Michelle was acting different, she didn’t understand. She stood off into a corner and quickly tried to compose herself when Kelly and Ms. Tina walked in.

Tina noticed that Michelle was no longer in the room and frowned, “Where did Michelle go?” she asked, making Kelly frown as well.

“She was in here? Y’all talked?” Kelly asked her, and that’s when she took notice of Bey’s face and her demeanor, “Bey?”

Bey sniffled, putting her angry front back up, “She was here, and no we didn’t talk, because I kicked her out,” she said simply, making Tina and Kelly’s jaw drop.

Kelly’s nostrils flared in anger. She was pissed, “Why would you do that?! Why didn’t you let her talk?!”

Bey got defensive, “Because I didn’t want to hear what she had to say Kelly! She had five whole months to say something but instead she did the complete opposite! Clearly to me that means she didn’t want to talk to us, so why talk now?”

“Because, if you had given her a chance to explain herself you would have understood why she didn’t! You shouldn’t have kicked her out Bey!”

“Why are you taking up for her all of a sudden? If I’m not mistaken you were as upset as I was.”

“Because! I let her explain herself, I know what’s going on and I completely understand why she did what she did! God Bey, you are so selfish,” Kelly said shaking her head. I need to check on her, Kelly thought to herself as she started walking out of the kitchen to find Michelle.

Bey scoffed in disbelief, “I’m selfish?!”

Kelly stopped, “Yes! You are selfish, because in this situation all you were thinking about was yourself. You didn’t bother to think about why Michelle isolated herself the way she did, all you thought about was how it made you feel. Has the thought ever occurred to you that there may have been a reason as to why she stayed away, or she was dealing with something major? You need to let go of that anger Bey, and now, otherwise the only one who’s going to be hurt the most in the end is you.”

Bey frowned, “What do you mean? What do you know, what’s going on with Michelle?”

Kelly scoffed, “Oh, NOW you want to know what’s going on? What, me opening up your eyes to your foolishness made you want to know what’s going on with Michelle, but not actually hearing it directly from her? Wow, you are unbelievable. As much as I want to tell you, so you can feel as much as a fool as you look right now, I won’t. It’s not my place to say what’s going on, I promised Chelle I wouldn’t tell.”

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