Chapter 5

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"Yeah, if you don't like me, that's your problem, When I let it bother me, that's my problem, And I've got enough problems, I got enough, I got the sauce, you got the salt, What I care what you think about me, 'Cause I don't think about you at all, Real ones, they don't talk about you they talk to you, When they can't miss, yeah that's when they take a shot for you, When they throw stones then you know they don't rock with you, Don't you ever let 'em know that the talk got to you, I'm 'bout my business (my) father, my family, my hitters (you), Never paid my bills, so why pay attention?" -Andy Mineo

1 week later…

It’s been a week since my mom and I had that heart-to-heart talk. True to her word, she did talk to Brooklyn and Four and although I’d like to say they saw the error of their ways and we all had a good cry and hugged it out and we all lived happily ever after like in the movies, sadly that wasn’t the case. If anything, in mom’s face they were like Dr. Jekyll, but behind her back they were like Mr. Hyde. Four would play petty little pranks on me that would annoy me to no end, but she was smart, she would only do pranks that wouldn’t really physically harm me or get her into a significant amount of trouble, she would play pranks that made it seem like it was an accident or I was more clumsier than usual.

Brooklyn, well, she doesn’t have a witty bone in her body, so she resorted to putting a little more bite in her digs at me. Of course, they probably thought it would really get to me and I would cry to mom like a baby, but instead I just laugh at their failed attempts to bring me down. It shows me that they really don’t have a clue who I am, and that’s just fine with me, because if they want to waste their time and energy with their negativity, then let them, because I’m not losing no sleep over it. I just continue to follow Junior’s advice and I stay on my level and not stoop to theirs. Better yet, I just continue to level up.

I know I seem unbothered by all of this and while for the most part I am, I can’t even lie, I’m still a little hurt by their actions. I mean, you would rather be even more of an asshole than actually come together and just be my sisters? You have that much of an issue with me that you can’t just choose to coexist with me? It hurts, but hey, I can’t say I’m surprised. A leopard never changes its spots.

And through it all my parents, Lord my parents, they mean well, but they are so oblivious to all of it. Let me fix that, mom is oblivious, dad is just in denial, especially when it comes to Four’s pranks. He knows it’s her doing them but he just says she’s being a kid and it’s only harmless fun, and that I shouldn’t let it get to me.

Um, sir. No.

But again, I can’t really be surprised, that was to be expected, that he would brush it off like it’s nothing. That’s just dad for you, he loves all of his children but his philosophy on child rearing is, “Kids are going to be kids, and as long as nobody is bleeding, crying, dying, or acting a fool in public making us look bad, then you’re fine,” and also, “Whatever you want or need, ask your mom first before you ask me.”

See, basic dad parenting.

I gotta give mom credit though, at least she stuck to her word and she actually is trying to be more present in my life, and I’m trying to stick to my resolution to be more present with the family as well. For example, this past week before I go to bed, mom will come into my room and we would just chat for a while, and talk about school or about our day and things like that. At first, because I wasn’t used to having simple basic conversations with my mom without someone else interrupting us, completely taking her attention away from me, our conversations felt a bit awkward, but after the first day we kind of broke the ice and I felt more comfortable talking to her. I felt like I was able to open up to her a little more about who I am, and I think she is happy that she is starting to build a connection with me. It feels nice now, but I can't seem to get over the nagging feeling in the back of my mind that's telling me that it might not last. So because of that, I'm just going to enjoy it while it lasts, and pray that it does.

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