Chapter 1

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“Just waking up in the morning gotta thank God, I don’t know but today seems kinda odd, no barking from the dogs, no smog, and mama cooked a breakfast with no hog.”- Ice Cube


I slammed my hand on my alarm clock with a loud groan. Usually, I’m a morning person and I’m happy to be up in the mornings, but today is a bit different. Today is the day every school aged child over the age of eleven dreads.

The first day of school.

It’s the first day of my Junior year, and even though I haven’t even got out the bed yet, I’m already over it. Don’t get me wrong, I like school, and I like learning, it’s just the people in the school that I have to share my space with for eight hours a day, five days a week that makes me want to rip my hair out, one strand at a time. After just sitting in my bed for about ten minutes I finally got up, saying my morning prayer before grabbing my phone and connecting it to my speaker so I could play my morning music playlist. Big K.R.I.T.’s Energy began playing as I headed to my closet to find something to wear before going into my bathroom to do my morning routine.

I’m so rude, allow me to reintroduce myself my name is-

Ok, let me stop being a head ass. My name is Sasha Carter, and I am the third of Beyoncé and Jay-Z’s five children. Yes, my parents are music royalty, but don’t think that because of that, I’m some snobby, spoiled rich kid.

That’s my older sister Brooklyn.

I’m fifteen years old, but my sweet 16 is coming up in a few weeks. I don’t even want a party or anything, I just want a car, so I can stop having to ride with Brooklyn or my brother Junior. Riding with Junior isn’t that bad, we don’t talk much or anything we just vibe to some music on the way to school before going our separate ways for the day. Out of all my siblings, I’m the closet to my baby sister Blue, that’s my little Ace Boon no Coon, and me and Junior get along pretty good for the most part, we like the same kind of music so that’s kind of how we bond. But me and Brooklyn, and riding to school with her? Ugh, sometimes I just want to run her over with her own car. We don’t have the best relationship. I’m sure she hates me because, you know, I was born, and I took some of her shine from being the only girl, but hey, that sounds like a personal problem to me. I didn’t have nothing to do with that. And don’t get me started on my sister Four. We call her Four because she’s the fourth child and that’s my parent’s favorite number. Me and Four have a relationship that’s kinda like Regine and Max from Living Single. She’s your typical annoying little sister, and she makes me want to punch her in the throat sometimes, but hey, despite it all, I do love all of my siblings, even though sometimes I feel like that love isn’t reciprocated.

But more about me, I’m the most independent out of the bunch, I’m not riding on my parent’s coattails. I believe in working for what I want, I don’t like having to depend on nobody else for things I want or need, because I learned pretty early that sometimes people can fail you and won’t follow through, so if I want something done, I have to do it myself. That’s the Virgo in me. I even have a job, well, more like a hustle. I have an online store selling bundles and lashes and other beauty products, and not the basic, cheap bundles and products, but real deal, top notch, high quality products. Plus, I design statement tees, you know, those shirts, with the witty, relatable phrases? Yeah, I make those and I have a good drop shipper so I don’t have to do much of anything but make the designs, and promote the product, and they do the rest. I design and sell all my merchandise under a pseudo name, to avoid drawing attention to myself from my family and the media, because I really don’t like having a lot of people in my business, and I hate having to explain myself. For a 15-year-old, I make good money, and half of what I make I put in stocks, generating even more money. The key is knowing when to take your money out so you don’t lose it. I feel like there's way too many ways out here to make money and not be making it.

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