Chapter 8

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"I know that you, don't feel your best, hold on, be strong, God's not forgotten you, broken dreams got you feeling blue, hold on, be strong, God's looking out for you, just remember at the end of the day, the favor of God will open a way, God's favor, is more precious, than life" -Donald Lawrence & The Tri-City Singers

After school just like Junior promised, he took me to take my driver's test, and as expected I passed with flying colors, thanks to Mommy and June teaching me. Once the lady gave me my license, I thanked her and I quickly made my way to June's car where he was waiting on me. I got in and put my seatbelt on and waited for June to leave but he was sitting there staring at me.

I looked at him confused, "What?"

He stale-faced me, "wHaT?" He mocked, "So...You gonna just come up in here and act like you didn't just get your license? All the hard work, dedication, and practice that went into making sure you possessed the knowledge and skill to operate a motor vehicle and we finally get to the moment we've been waiting for and you finally got the prize and here you are, acting all nonchalant like it's nothing. Come on now, I need a wide grin, a squeal, a milly rock, something," he ranted dramatically.

I laughed as I dropped the façade, extreme happiness taking over my body as I did a little happy dance, "I got my license, yeah yeah yeah yeah," I said, mimicking Denise Huxtable from that one episode of The Cosby Show.

"Well, let's see it then!" June exclaimed. I took it out my bag and handed it to him. He examined it closely, "Hmm, OK! I see you, with the matte finish thing going on with your makeup so it doesn't look like the sun took your picture. Look at you, ya look good, ya look blessed," he hyped. I could only laugh at his shenanigans. He handed it back to me, "See? That's all I wanted, we can go now," he said as he started the car and pulled off.

I rolled my eyes playfully; he truly plays all day. As we headed to my job, we just chatted like we usually do, "So, what kind of car do you want?" he asked inquisitively. I tapped my chin in thought, "Hmm, I think I want a Land Rover Discovery, completely blacked out, with a bit of gold on the inside. Yeahhh, I like the sound of that," I said grinning widely as I envisioned how I wanted my future car to look.

June nodded his head, intrigued, "Nice, very nice. Simple, yet sophisticated. Perfect for you," he said thoughtfully as he rubbed his chin. He tends to do that when he's thinking about something.

I nodded in agreement, "Yeah I don't want anything that's too expensive or showboat-y. Black on black everything on top of that? It just screams mystery and privacy, and that's one of things about me I value most, so in a way it's like representation of who I am, you know?"

He smiled, "Yup, it would represent you perfectly," he said as we arrived at the studio. Once he parked, I unbuckled my seatbelt, "This shouldn't take too long, my boss said I just needed to sign some papers," I said as I got out.

"Take your time, I'm not in a rush, besides I need to make a few phone calls really quick anyway," he said as he took his phone out of his pocket. I nodded before closing the door and making my way inside.

I was greeted by Simone, she's the other desk clerk who works on the day's I don't, "Hey Sasha! Happy Birthday!" she said happily with a smile.

I returned the smile, "Thanks Simone! And thanks again for filling in for me today, I really appreciate it," I said gratefully.

"You're more than welcome Honey! We're a family here and no one wants to work on their birthday, besides, I could really use these extra hours, so I should be thanking you," she expressed with gratitude, "How's your day been so far?" she asked.

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