Chapter 13

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"I need you to listen, When I tell you how I really feel, don't dismiss it, Or start laughing, Or act like I'm overreacting, I need to know I'm not somebody that you just got to put up with, I need to know that I don't suck if I never had no success, I need you to stop judging me for the things I'm into, And if you don't like it, then pretend to, I need you to talk to me gentle, I need your reply when I text you, I need the reminder of my potential, I need your time for just a little, I need your word, its instrumental..." -Andy Mineo

Previously on The Middle Child...

"Heyyy everyone...Let's Eat!"

And on today's episode...

I stood in awkward silence as everyone looked at me in shock with their jaws dropped. June was the first to snap out of it, "Oh thank God, I thought you would never show up, I was dying just now," he said as he stood up and came over to me. Mom immediately stood up afterwards, followed by Dad.

I laughed, momentarily feeling at ease, "Yeahhh, remind me to teach you the Lord's Prayer, it never fails," I said as we did our handshake before he pulled me into a hug, "I'm glad you're here," he said so only I could hear.

"I'm glad to be here," I responded before pulling away.

He smiled as he looked up at my hair, "Wow, you weren't lying when you said you had a surprise. I must say, I am DEFINITELY surprised," he said as he walked around me in a circle, examining my hair, "But a good surprised. I like it, I like it a lot," he said nodding his head in approval. I grinned widely as I thanked him, "Hey, now I have a little more time to sleep in in the mornings now," I joked.

Grandma was the next to come over to me and pulled me into the tightest hug ever, "Sasha oh my gosh! You look so grown up now, I almost didn't recognize you when you walked in! I'm loving this new look on you, you're practically glowing!"

I couldn't respond because I couldn't breathe, "C-can't...breeeathe...," I mustered out.

Solo came up from behind her and playfully pulled us apart, "Dang Mama, don't kill her before we can get the chance to reunite," she said as she pulled me into a hug, "Hey Niece! I gotta say, now THAT is how you make an entrance! You went and cut your hair and became the new and improved Sasha Fierce. I'm here for it all," she hyped before kissing my cheek before releasing me from the hug.

I thanked her before slowly walking over to Dad and Mom, who's eyes were watery, tears threatening to spill. "Hi Mom, Hi Dad," I said shyly. She instantly pulled me into her, wrapping me tightly in her arms as she showered my face in kisses, "My baby," she cried as she rested her head on mine, "I'm sorry, I'm so sorry," she repeated over and over. Dad came over and pulled us both into him in one big group hug, "I'm so happy to see you Sasha, I'm so sorry, for everything." A wave of emotions came over me as I felt him kiss my head. For the first time ever, I felt like their child, like I belonged to them, as weird as it may sound. And I didn't really know how to take that, because why did it have to take everything that happened to happen in order for me to feel that? I received their love, but at the moment I didn't accept it. Maybe I'll feel differently after I get some much-needed answers.

Once they pulled away, I walked over to the table where everyone else was still seated. Brooklyn and Four looking stank faced and disgraced, and Mommy and Aunt Kelly still had that surprised look in their eyes, but happy to see me at the same time. I walked over and greeted Aunt Kelly and Mommy with a hug and kiss on the cheek, happy to see them of course but out of all my family members I had seen them and June the most, and gave Brooklynn and Four a simple greeting before sitting down next to June.

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