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"But please Zhyke, let me love you even if you can't"

                          *  * * * *

            IT was autumn when the world first let its destiny cross. In every scene in our lives happened, there is someone secretly looking at us. If we are busy looking only in one direction. We might forget the other one, we may forget someone who is not playing a role in that scene. Someone who appeared to be our audience. And that was him. Sevastian Sam

On the very first day of their class when he first saw Zhyke sitting at the very corner of their room. He already felt different. They might be freshmen at that time. Their heart is too young to know the thing called love. But, he is different. He already has an eye on her. Have an eye but only to look at her. But only to adore her in silence.

He wrote so many poems for her even though she didn't know. He keeps writing a poem for her even though she can't see it. Because from the very first day even their heart are called fresh. He knew he love her.

Since that day, he can't keep his eyes away from her. She is so different, a special lady he never met. He knew she wasn't perfect but she appeared to be. Her beauty is just fair but their just something in her. Something that keeps calling him towards her.

He never likes her just because of her look. He never loves her just for fuck sake. He knew he love her without even a single reason.

But every time he tried to tell her. Nervousness keep rushing in him and made him be failed. After that, he decided not to tell her. He decided not to tell anyone. But he promised himself that he will love her even if she can't.

From that very first day until the end of the year. Until he left for two years and leave their school. His feeling was never gone. He keeps loving her even though he can't see her.

A single image of her is enough to make his bad day turn perfect.

She was his remedy.

Until now. The older he becomes the deeper his love for her. But now that he has her in close. He will not let her go. But he was aware that she love someone, he was aware that he wasn't her love.

He was aware that her happiness wasn't him.

But despite that painful reality, he made his final choice. To be her supporter of everything she wants to do. He promised before and now...he will do it.

                            * * * *


         HOURS passed but she never answer me. Maybe I'm right, maybe my instinct is right. She doesn't want me to bother her anymore. Maybe I should stop...but I won't. I won't stop until I will have her. I love her, that's the only thing I knew.

I was just in my bedroom, lying down tiredly. As I keep waiting for her reply. But she doesn't. I was sending her a lot of messages to chat with her. But she never answers me yet. Until I saw the clock strike its hand too late hours. And after that, I don't know how I sleep.

I was awakened by the cold air coating my body. That's when I realized that I left my window open. I turned back to my consciousness and quickly close my window.

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