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Stop worrying about the future

Let it flow over you, dive, and ride through the wave. Never overthink the future…you are just tiring yourself.


         It's been three weeks of her whole day training and she getting better every day. She almost got her perfect stunt and moves.

They are now at the river having her training. She is with the packs of Felix, Jaz's people, including Clara the most skillful sword in the group.

They keep fighting to strike each other with the sword while they are in the water. Every move they make, the water on their knees will splash over them.

Although they keep exchanging winning movements both of them can still spot each other’s weaknesses. Zhyke knew how to attack and defend herself but not as well as Clara.

She strikes Clara once but Clara avoided it. Then the attack changed, now that Clara attack her, her sword was thrown away and she fell into the water. But when Clara was about to attack her, she kicked her knees which made Clara stumble beside her.

They never stop attacking each other even without the sword. On the right side of the river, Jaz and his people, Felix's packs, and even his family are just watching them. It wants to be deniable that Zhyke keeps getting better every day.

They made the whole day of training again in the same cycle. After Clara, Felix and the other people also join the fight.

           AFTERNOON arrived and they prepare their dinner. Helen, the wife of Felix, fixes the fire to cook their food. As she keep the fire continued, her two years old child silently sat beside her, watching her doing.

While on the river, Lay helps Zhyke catch fish through a small fish net.

"  Kindly put the fishes on the basin," handing her the net of fish, " be careful," he said.

While handing her the net of fish, the fishes inside keep jumping out of the net. Until it was out of her control anymore.  The other fishes jump back to the river and they both look into each other’s eyes.

“ oh no…I'm sorry,” she said, having a great concern in her eyes.

“It's fine,” he laughed.

They look into each other again and laugh together. They were like the long-lost best friend and found each other again. While they keep laughing, Helix, the son of Helen, and Felix gleefully run toward them.

They include him in their enjoyable catching of fish until they had a lot in the net. While Helen is busy building the fire to cook their captured foods. They hand her the fishes they caught and enjoy roasting them.

While they are enjoying and happy eating around the fire. The rain suddenly comes and as fast as they could, they quickly go back to their tent.

They share a tent for this moment like how they share the room. They are silently sitting inside while watching the rain how to fall. He stares at the river and shifted in her direction. She doesn't mind looking at him back and she keeps her head in the place where she's comfortable.

Even though she will ignore him but his presence will always call her attention. Until she feels a thing placed on her shoulder.

" In case you're cold," he said.

" Am I that cold?" She looks at him.

" What?"

" I lost him, he died. But why am I here, smiling? Am I that cold-hearted?"

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