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If this is the case, I'll let go of my past


       EVERY after the bad things we are suffering good things are waiting for us. Every time we cry, tomorrow we will laugh. Choose to be happy, choose to love, choose yourself

Someone is rooting for you.

                        * * * * * *

         SUN rays enveloped the whole city. The wind keeps blowing letting the dust fly into the air. Cars are blowing their horns as the traffic is slightly going heavy.  The city comes to its normal self. Everything seems so very perfect and normal. It was like the history of supernatural beings is rotten.

Zhyke is lying on the bed, a table at her right with a vase and beautiful pleasant -  smelled purple flowers. Alcohol smells everywhere, white rooms, white dressed ladies and men. She's in a place where everyone cares. A room where white color is a must.

She surveys her eyes and found herself inside a white room. She slowly moves her hands and feels a tube sucking on it and a fluid flowing in her flesh. She's wearing a white gown and her hair isn't tied anymore.

She press her forehead and tried to pull herself up.  But as she move her body her head swung a little and she lean on the headboard.


She slowly turned her face to the voice and saw the familiar emerald green eyes.

At first, she didn't recognize who it was but soon after she analyze his face. The memory flashes in her mind and she remembers the man she have before. It was him the man who comforted her. The man who stay with her no matter what happened.

"How do you feel?" Sam asked.

"Hungry and thirsty at the same time," she answered in a low voice.

"Yep of course...wait. "

He quickly stands and gets a bowl inside the bag and a tumbler and hands it to her. She accepts and carefully opens the bowl with soup.

"Careful, that soup might be hot" he warned with a smile on his face.

"Sorry, I'm just... hungry," she said as she continue eating.

"Of course, you are, who will not be if you sleep for a week," he said.

She dropped her spoon and look at him surprisedly.

"A week? Do you mean one week? As in seven days?" she asked and her eyes widened in surprise.

He nodded and sat beside her, facing her with a smile.

"Yeah, and you didn't attend the graduation day. Even me" he said.

"You're with me since I'm here?" she asked still can't recall what happened.

"Yeah, because I promised"

"I'm sorry if I..."

"No it's okay, I did it because I want it"

She stayed for a while and looked at him.

"What happened?"

"The doctor told me that you've been bumped by a car"

She started to remember everything but as she is trying to recall the memories she had, her head started to ache.

"I can't remember a car bumping on me," she said while scratching her forehead.

The door opened in front of them and the doctor entered.

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