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Please come back



I thought feelings can not be mixed. I thought happiness can not be found if you are sad or sadness can not be found when you are happy. But today I'm happy. But I wasn't, I am just broken.

After how many days of waiting, he didn't come. He never shows himself to me anymore. I feel like I am trying to be happy in someone's company but I can't. Although I can forget how lonely I am when I am with them. But, when I am alone all the past will flash before me. Everything when I am with him.

Where are they? Why on Earth do they leave me without even telling me the reason?

I'm broken. I'm broken today. Not just today but started when he's not here. I started to feel like I was alone in the world. Although I met new friends I miss him.

To ignore this stupid feeling of mine, I need to call Ashley and have fun with her. As it is now Friday night and I need to wash away my thoughts. I need someone to talk with, I don't even care if she will listen.

We are currently sitting inside the small restaurant nearby. In front of those foods that appeared to be yummy but my taste bud refuse to make me drool. She ordered a lot of food including my favorite dessert - ice cream. But I am still not in the mood to eat. I am not with myself, I just keep staring straight at the street. A Flood of thoughts and memories keep making noises inside my head and made me not be present in the real world.

" Hey, you told me you have to tell me something," she said snapping my deep thought.

" one...well, Sam bro-", I never finish my sentence when she jumps in excitement.

" Sam? What did he do to you? Does he kiss you? Take you or something?", She asked like a foolish child grinning.

" Calm down, okay?"

" Okay, I'm fine" she then settled and made a small bite of cake.

" Well..." I don't even know how to start but she keeps gesturing for me to continue. " He... He has lunch with me and...and we talk a lot and have fun. That's it!" I said.

But deep inside me, it wasn't the secret I want to tell her. I want to tell her about Lay.

" That's it? Really? Aren't you excited or something? You know what, every girl in our school dreamed to have that cute punk."

" Well, he texted me after."

" Really? Come on, what did he say?" she leaned closer to me

" Um...' hey have you eaten?', that's it."


" it's just a message, okay?"

" Really? Oh my God! If I were you then I probably slept with him last night." Then she burst out laughing. " Just joking. Well I guess you're not happy, are you?"

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