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The anguish in his voice cut through my anger and reach to my soul, I look up into his eyes. And there he is, deep in the blue depths, the shattered and frightened guy whom I desperately want to comfort. Rick is the man who'd never quite fit in the world he'd found himself in. I know he went through a lot of hell, the place itself reminds me of the turmoil of his past. And this place also reminds me of his wicked game of love, he is quite top on his game. And maybe he is playing again, for nothing than taking his Revenge for killing our...his kid.

I stare into his eyes again with a clear head, begging him to stop his actions. I am not that naïve Jen anymore, I hate this intimacy, hate this place and I damn hate him too. My words somehow reached him, he released me hesitantly.

I jerk my hand free, and Rick sag against his seat, gulping air. Without uttering a word, I also took my seat. What the hell should I say? I have sealed my soul and self-respect to this devil, My entire arm is numb, my fingers lifeless in my lap. Rick leans back in his seat, as though he is going to tip the little chair right back and go toppling on the floor. But his eyes still so fix on me that I have to lower my eyes, breaking the connection.

"Next time be careful Jen, I won't be this understanding" Taking a deep breath, I glance back at him with silence.

"Now as you have ruined my breakfast, go make me something to eat, I am starving" He ordered not even bothering at all.

"What?" I gawk at him with a questioning gaze.

"Do I always have to repeat my words? Since when you became this dumb" He answered with a sly smile.

"I am not cooking, that's final" I spit back with fierce.

"Oh, you are" Rick smile back and stood from his seat. I almost forget to take a breath, is he going to reiterate his horrific action? But, instead, Rick started gathering up the broken pieces and his ruined pancakes of the floor which he made with efforts...solemnly and quietly, as if he is picking up the pieces of his own broken heart. It breaks my heart, I decided to make breakfast rather than watching him aloof.

"Wait" I stop remotely, as he has all control over me. Damn!

Rick removed pieces of glass out of my way and cleaned my path.

"Now, you can go" Kneeling on the floor, he looked above at me with a dimpled smile, swallowing my feeling of remorse I directed my way towards the kitchen, ignoring Rick. I don't understand, what is there to feel guilty about? That thought went a long way toward easing my conscience, but it also made me wonder if I'd taken enough steps to protect my own heart if it isn't already in jeopardy.

I could feel his eyes on me the entire time while I tried to concentrate on making some decent breakfast for us. Yes, I am starving too. I made Scrambled eggs and toast on a record time, when I placed the breakfast on the table, I noticed Rick's victory smile on his face. I almost forgot how his dimple could get deeper or his smile wider when he smiles with all his heart, very rarely we get to see this sight of Rick...

"No wonder, why you are happy. You won again" I spitefully commented on Rick, his smile fade away.

"Sometimes we should think above winning or losing" Filling a plate with scrambled eggs and toast, he offered me first. "You observed right, I am happy. Not because I forced you to make breakfast for me, but with a thought that I am being fed by you." his words made me angrier, yes he is all charming today. Does he consider me in a fool, to fall again on his flattering act?

"Whatever makes you happy Rick.." I cut this topic there itself, I shoved his plate to him and took another plate for myself. He didn't argue on this, we both ate in silence.

His Intense LoveWhere stories live. Discover now